Monday, June 23, 2014

Brake Before Dawn

A true and unconditional surrender to a destined fate.  Place trust within your path...timid lives walk narrow lines, and soon before they know it, the lines vanish and life has past on by....


  1. Timid will Never be in my vocabulary & I've decided pursue an entire field with you in order to provide an inordinate amount of possibilities to frolic & enjoy any amounts of creative FUN our spirits can fathom.... (sigh) I still can not believe you did not send me birthday wishes...
    If it wasn't something I, myself was not guilty of soooo many times in my own bad habits - I'd be a bit more frustrated ;-)

    Oh Goodness...My very own Hot, Intelligent Spritual Twin <3

    Brake/Break...whatever till you come back from your mountain - I'm just enjoying the sun & wild flowers while we both figure stuff out ;)

    *unconventional kisses* & tons of Hugs & Snuggles grasshopper :D

  2. p.s. With 'your' driving history...I don't think 'brakes' are your specialty *giggles* ...feel free to crash with me anytime ;-)
