Saturday, June 21, 2014

Humility is the True Equalizer

NOTHING humbles One's Soul, Character, Mind and Identity
as when
their Spirit is Scalded,
their Ego gets Crippled,
their Pride is disfigured
their Dignity is harmed or threatened...
Through sheer chance of unfortunate circumstance.


Goes around, will find you.
Once it finds you, it will sink its teeth and feast on you....
and So, the Unleashed Lions  shall feed their hunger upon
Such a disgraced carcass, a hollow shell
Much the way your self regard lived its existence.

1 comment:

  1. Yes... 'this' is true - it has nothing to do with how wonderful/fantastic... a person can only know their true self worth & value when they hit rock bottom. ..when no one wants them but they are still ok with hanging out at the Beach by themself ;)
