Well, that's a complicated question to answer. Why? Because! Because there is NO fat old white guy dressed in a Red suit that sneaks in the homes of people with Christmas trees and places presents underneath that tree during the late hours of December 24th/early hours of December 25th.
Nope. Sorry to ruin that for you.
But...there is Spirit associated with Saint Old Nick! And, there is a sincere effort to select items appropriate to the gift receiver...by people who truly care and love you.
I agree, gift giving isn't a foolproof technique in sharing our appreciation...after all, material things...are just that, material things...the fact is, the Best Things in Life are NOT Things.
So, the final answer is Yes, there is A Santa Claus...it's just that it's not who you think it is.
(And there is a North Pole...Caribou do migrate there...and Article Foxes and big bad Polar bears live there too...but not Fat old Men).
Also, the whole naughty or nice list (it doesn't really exist!)
It seems everyone gets Christmas presents....
*smiles* You are Adorable! & the only person I know lecturing on 'Santa' in the middle of June :D