Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I am addicted to madness, I crave it's chaos...
I desire it's pleasure, I succumb as I am enticed
I indulge in the Euphoria...I thrive in this satisfaction
A drive so intense, I am paralyzed in its presence...
Restless in an unrelenting Ecstasy...
my Victim,
come and lay on my heart and beat as One


  1. well... our Dear friend Albert Einstein explains that the definition of 'Insanity' is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...

    Mundane repetition is actually what drives 'me' insane.... yes, SOME may consider it to be 'mad' &/or 'chaotic' to have as well as practice the fearless pursuit of adventure and endless desire for continuously striving to make life 'interesting'... but, 'hey, what can I say?' I love it! & it is fun :D

    You can be 'my' victim & come join me... I will give you butterfly eyelash kisses & Eskimo nose nuzzles while you wrap your big 'ol Greek arms around me & our Hearts can thump in unison <3

  2. Come lay in the Sun with me...
    I will propose to you many times
    But we will never marry...
    Happy couples & endings do not turn out 'that' way...
    I just want to hold you,
    Enjoy you & (can you believe it?)
    Just have lots of FUN! ;D

    (Way too much romantic stuff written tonight...or I would keep going ;)...
