Friday, August 26, 2016

It's Our Weekend

It's Friday afternoon
The week has been long
Come to think of it
The whole summer has flown by
and I have little to show for
A lot of new faces with different stories
but it's mostly Been the same
But hey, it's Friday
My Day
To be my dream
Without questions
Without consequence
With confidence
It's time to manufacture my reality
Because perception is reality
Maybe a little this, perhaps a bit of that
Don't we all have our wishes
They come from regrets
How when my world stops spinning
The sun will still rise
and over the next millennium
Many will follow, but how many will take notice
Of the tracks in the sand
There is a rich history beneath our feet
And untold stories of has beens
Been there
Done that
I welcome the time that measures now
Not my yesterdays
Nor my tomorrows
I flee from your sight
I run to your mind
It's there that makes me unforgettable to the
Here and Now
Now is what matters most
Because tomorrow is never guaranteed
And Now
Is my weekend
God I hate sprinkles
But I love dimples
That is what the now in life is
A continual love hate paradox
Of the same old new and recycled reruns of reality shows
God I hate TV shows
They brainwash you
And most people don't even realize to what extent
Unplug and unwind
The weekend is upon us
Peace, love and anything else that makes simple sense
Out of the indirect complexities of unequal haves and haves not
But, it's still your weekend
And best be enjoying it

The Weekend
by Brantley Gilbert

Monday, August 8, 2016


It's like a cross between playing dodge ball and hitting a piƱata...only more satisfying!  It's called knockerball:

Quite frankly, I foresee it as the ultimate solution for all worldly disputes...between anyone and everyone who may have a qualm to settle.  Win, lose or draw...everyone wins at knockerball.
Imagine solving all issues with your coworkers during a thirty minute stint of high end, low risk no nonsense hard nosed collisions.
Bang, slam...bam!
Like that with no hard feelings.
The simplicities of theory with the complexity of reality.
That's the paradoxical hypocrisy of life and it's unmentioned duplicitous arts of existence.
Darts and horseshoes are only useful in basements, backyards and holidays....
Here, you just need space and folks...purpose just finds it self.


Not to be confused with an SOS
If only I were so lucky 
to don a plastic air insulated suit 
run unimpededly towards all the horde of cowards 
that seem to overpopulate 
this overly saturated rock of H2O
that hurls itself 
endlessly into a vast space of nothingness....
Of Somethingness