Thursday, March 5, 2020

Hope Loves Eternal

Take a sip from my mind to give yourself a taste of my soul,
which is eternal and everlasting....

I'm glad you found humor in monkey vs robot, because no one at work knew what I was talking about.  I had to show them the video, and at that point I just had to share it with anyone and everyone...from here to as far as this internet thing can fetch...which is far, far away
from now until a time long ago

Good Times
Well I hope so, and it's all about Hope and I'm not talking about Solo.
Unless, of course it's Han Solo.
At that point, all hope was lost...and then a new hope arose.
A rose to my pretty lady.
Flowers, to me rejuvenate everyday life with freshness.
I actually really enjoy fresh greenery.
The greener the better, but you knew that already.  In all actually...You always knew that.
(Which Is very GooD)
Unless, you're Steve Perry and then you just suck.
I had a strong thought in mind to fly myself to a ufo convention out in the dessert of Southern California.
That pipe dream ended mercifully for me in a matter of six minutes with a donkey kick from reality.
Those really suck, worse than Steve actually.
It's nice to hold onto dreams, and in my dreams I often find the impossible.
That's short for
i m possible
According to most, I am impossible.
Not for long, and not for far.
 This small rock, that's flying through space at ungodly speeds
Spinning fast enough to keep us glued to it
Within a zooming Galaxy
That is our reality
That is our life
But, today I've come to the true meaning of why I am encapsulated in flesh on this rock
and it's to unconditionally love
It has to start with me and selflessly extend out
with Peace
Peace Out