Monday, April 30, 2012

Lorena has a Little sister...

Craziness has no boundries...
Over this past weekend there was a bit of a Rubble...
Meet our Damsel,
Her name is Anna Mackowiak, and is (soon to be was) a Dentist from Wroclaw, Poland.
Meet 45 year old Marek Olszewski, possibly the World's dumbest, or at the very least...unluckiest man.  This man, was dating Anna...until he found someone he liked better...
Marek, with a Stern Approach, confronts his Girlfriend Anna and tells her that he has found someone "new" and that he can no longer be in a relationship with her.
Was this a good move?
Why probably?
Because I feel that Anna might be unstable!

A few days roll by, and Marek develops a serious tootheache.  The only Dentist he knows is Anna.  So he goes and makes an appointment to be seen by his recent "Old" flame, Anna.
What would you expect from Anna?
A professional?

Anna, feeling Jilted by Marek...over-anesthetizes him during his visit and Removes ALL of HIS Teeth!  Our Scorned Anna then proceeds to heavily bandage Marek's head so he would not notice his "loss" upon awakening by being unable to move his mouth and speak.  He could tell something was amiss, when he was unable to feel any of his teethe.  Anna informs Marek that a complication occured and that he will need to see a specialist.  Nonetheless, Anna assures him that everything will return to normal once the numbness from the Annasthetic wears off...

When Marek got home, he looked in the mirror and noticed that his teeth were no longer in his Head...I wonder what else was missing from Marek's Head?
Just a Question, no need to answer if you know the answer.

Things got worse for Marek...his "New" girl friend dumped him!  She couldn't be with someone without ANY teeth.

Its never easy to break up with anyone.  With or without teeth.  There is an element of vulnerablity that comes with being in a committed relationship...and when one person feels as if they have been taken advantage of, they may very well resort to some extreme measures in order to recalibrate that relationship imbalance.
Maybe Marek had it coming...I don't know, I wasn't there.
Perhaps if it wasn't Marek...Anna would have found a subsititute victim in some other episode of a manic frenzy.  Crimes of passion have no rules, nor do they abide by any logic.  Instead they are fueled by a fiery force driven by Eros...

Anna is currently under investigation for medical malpractice and abusing the trust of a patient, a penalty punishable with a three year jail sentence.
Marek is saving up for Dentures and a New Girlfriend.

Good Luck to Marek and Anna...maybe when Anna gets out of Jail, Marek forgives her and they find happiness and everlasting Bliss?
Now that would be quite the fairly tale!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How Should Anyone Feel about Australians?

You must Absolutely and Posi+ively under-stand where there is a Ying there must be a countering Yang...
and for me, from where I stand at this very hour...yes, as in The right now!!!
Australia sits on the Exact opposite corner...
Life is Always about balance, and....without balance, you have a serious inequity that will completely throw off a centered existance!
You follow?
Now, like every place...
You'll find the Good
and some Bad
certainly an Ugly or two...
But, who am I to judge anyone...,
Judgmental minds are too narrow to accept the full scope-spectrum of existance...
Yes, it's true...for every Bugger you'll also find a Flower...this is the beauty of life...the full experience...even from Australia!

Now...who votes for a worldwide collective group hug???

Friday, April 27, 2012

What are Deceptive Qualities in Relationships?

A thousand thoughts,
A thousand words...
Can I match each thought with a word???
Do words have thoughts?
Mind I your thoughts with some of my words?
My mind has no thoughts for any of your words...
Words without action hold no thoughts, mind you!!!
I mind very much thank you, for your thoughtless actions and meaningless words...
One more word without thought, and you'll mind my actions...I promise you that!!!
You should know, my word is my promise...therefore my actions are very mindful, don't think otherwise...I am very precise...

I always back my promises,
Think before you speak, especially to me...
I have a strong knack,
For never forgetting a word
(or number)
But forgive me if I misplace your face....
Can you blame me...all of you seem to look the same...!
Come and share a glass of wine with me, convince me otherwise...
I Dare You...!
Consider it my promise.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is the purpose of lying?

You'll be OK because you have strong support from people who believe in's that simple. Life in general is A series of trials and tribulations that everyone must face with Many consequences...these challenges never single out any one specific individual. Everyone endures this fate (in varying degrees, nonetheless, everyone is subjected to them).

It takes fight and inner strength, and the wherewithal to stand up to the challenge (no matter how intense)...and decide
"I can survive this, and it will make me Stronger"
It's not A matter of lying over the situation, it's about finding the gumption to "weather" the STORM!

All truths seem to have three phases.
The Initial reaction is created from denial and gets displayed with ridicule.
When the truth can't be hidden...then it gets violently opposed!!! Fought for the purpose of dissipating or disappearing. Humans have this peculiar phenomenon with resisting change (even by a truth)...perhaps it's all due to fearing an unknown fate?
Finally, the truth will prevail...and become self-evident, and hopefully accepted...
To fight a truth, would be analogous to fight the coming of dawn...
Inevitable and insurmountable.

The only truth you need to focus on is Survival...
Survive the challenge and hurt that life has brought you...
Because life brings it to everyone...
If life didn't,
What would be the purpose of living?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rejecting/Mistrusting vs Aware'n Cautious

Which brand are you?
How do you think that affects those around you?
How do your decisions on how you treat those around...ripples and affects so many others?

The Influence...
A decision will have today, will forever trickle...and touch more folks then you realize...

What is Stubborn?

Feeling defiled from the unfair rigors of happenstance and circumstance, one must wonder if justice is an element that exists to serve as a countering component for the unjust...?

Or as a puesdo tool to mock and appease the afflicted?

Enslaved within a world that seems to reward the corrupt...
(up to within a point of course, even their greed if grown too high will encroach onto neighboring territories...often inciting some form of joust for leverage)

In a world inundated by debt and deceit, only mirrors are left to observe whatever 'Dog and Pony' show gets played for the masses...with wandering eyes and naked thoughts...

It's easy to sit on a hollow backbone and throw empty promises in hopes of placating and deceiving hopefuls of unachieved truths and unfulfilled pledges...
A series of events stuck on repeat...
Is it stubbornness that harbors this environment? This running joke of staying authentic to your morals?
What is moral for one, may not be for another...therefore,
There are no morals in this world...This is
A world that's grown through destruction and greed. In that world, nothing is ever enough... Nothing is ever good enough... To contest such standards...does that make one stubborn?

Stubborn, I woudn't quite say...stubborn denotes ignorance and a lack of wisdom. Stubborn knows better but contests it. Stubborn stalls growth...on purpose. Stubborn wants to feel victimized. This is more of a cynic's tragic comedy called 'Life'

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Human Encroachment

Bats depend on echolocation to navigate and capture life...vital to the ecosystem. By disturbing, destroying or vandalizing their natural habitat...we offer a far great risk to their population then any of their natural predators. Black jaguars are strong and powerful predators...yet very vulnerable to habitat loss, lack of prey and human interference. Gray Wolves packs, centered around an Alpha Pair that mate for Life....collectively bond before hunts by howling. Why has man chosen to mistakenly annoit this awesome beast as a foe? Fear... Misunderstanding... We give many reasons why we should rule the roost... What we fail to do is realize how important each component is within this system that is dubbed as Nature... All components factor into the balance... We need to learn how to coexist...with each other and all aspects of our environments Earth Day 2012 Remember to recycle

Saturday, April 21, 2012

In the Early 1960's

Researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) journeyed to the parched desert lands of the Gila River Indian Community in central Arizona to study the health of the Pima Two decades of biomedical and dental detective work have linked obesity, diabetes and periodontal disease B Y ROBERT J . GENCO the three-way street Indians. In the course of routine medical exams, they made a startling discovery: the Pima people proved to be fatter than any other group of people on Earth except for the Pacifi c Nauru islanders. Nearly half of those over the age of 35 had type 2, or adult-onset diabetes, eight times the national average. In order to survive in the desert, it seems that their thrifty genes may have evolved to carefully conserve fat through times of drought and famine. After World War II, when the tribe changed their traditional diet to an American one, their fat intake rose from about 15 percent to a whopping 40 percent of calories—and their genetic evolution backfired.

Does Loneliness make you stronger or fragile?

I recently read a wonderfully accurate quote... "life's circumstance accounts for about 10% of what happens to You...and 90% How you respond to it" For the most part, I lead an extremely social work life...yet, on a personal note, my life is introspective, quiet and cerebral. Do I feel lonely? At work, NEVER. Outside of work? I sure do. How do I react to it? I do things with friends and acquaintances if I feel as if a rut is coming. At the very worst, I can always do something by watch a movie or catch a ball game, heck...I'll even sign up for a cooking class or go to a museum. Never rely on others for your own happyness!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ying to Yang...still just one circle

"Jack Sprat coud eat NO Fat,
his wife, Mrs Sprat, would eat no lean...
Gobble, Gobble....Yummy, Yum!!!
and, so you see....between them both...
They Licked their Plate Clean"

My ring rang...early, too early for most...
My purring cat, ran in a frenzy...
"It's much too early in the Morning"
Indeed it is, indeed I am

I confess my sins to a darkness yet to become Dawn...
Dawn is beautiful...
An unspoken, unseen
unappreciated gift...
We ALL receive
Every morning...
But I spend each day with her...

Her beauty,
her radiance, delightful
Delicately glorious
Flawless with her undefined perfection...

Dawn is like every woman I know...
Unique, seductive and sublime
each and every each and every way!!!

When Everything Hurts

If I could, I would...
Share a cup tea...
with a cinnamon scone.
Cream? Jelly?

Take your time, and keep your stress low...

If I could, I would...
Heal your ails.
Take your aches away...far, far away
Be Gone, Banished

If I could, I would....
with my will, see you smile
Smile cure all ails
Even if it's a transient elixir
My smile especially...
Let it brighten your day...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Mend Broken Hearts?

I was recently asked by "Randy Yogi" how she could break her crazy repetitive cycle of emotional distress...sentiment centered around her recent relationship loss (a loss predating eight or so months ago).
Emotional loss can come in several forms: Death. Divorce. Break - up. Physical Separation. Romantic Rejection.
Then comes the,
Our emotions are delivering a message.  We must learn from them and understand them.  This is a difficult task considering there are other emotions affiliated with them such as Anger, Fear and Shame!

For the Most part...She feels happy now (free from a loveless relationship), well most of the time...she may experience momentary sensitivities of lonesomeness.  I find too many folks unhappily involved in comfortable relationships...and those individuals would rather be unhappy with company, then lonely and in search for a good/healthy relationship connection.

Step One:
Accept that punch to your was an unavoidable trueness associated when strong emotions form and you experience sadness and suffering from those losses...this is an essential part of the healing process.
Learn to B R E A K reliving that misery (those painful memories) Over'n'Over again.
Good behavioral patterns could become habit through practice, as can negative behavioral patterns...
The choice of which is up to you which you choose to do...
I give you full authority to program yourself from scratch, free of history...
How would you start...?  Where will you end...?

Change habits that revert your memory to your loss...
Perhaps you need to go to new places, redecorate your home, change your job/clothes/company...etc...
remember, this is Reprogramming....
Out with old associations...
Physical, Mental, Psychological and Emotional

It was not an End All Failure...rather a challenge to do better...
Do better as far as, personal growth...
Do better as far as, connecting...
Do better as far as, reaching higher heights of outcomes...

It helps visualizing your loss for what he/she was.
Controlled Visualization:
lets do a dumb and fun little exercise...
For example,
Take an Ex...
Shrink them to half their height.
(its funny already)
Dress them up as a clown.
Now, take away all the color in your mind...that's right, make this into a black and white movie.  Color intensity factors into the vividness of emotion.
Finally, watch them slip and fall into a large tank or pond...don't help them out either!

How do you feel about your Ex now?

Our emotions react to our imagination.  Depending how we build up an individual in our mind, is how we react to them emotionally and physically.

P.s.  Playing sports I always visualized my opponents running around in soiled was real easy for me to willfully overpower their attempts during confrontations.  I was not losing to someone with soiled underwear.

3 1/2
Now, expand your power of Visualization to your past.
You have full autonomy to create your past.
with who, how, where what...
Be good to yourself.
Be fair to yourself.
Be Generous as to what you feel you deserve in life...

Do you deserve a short clown in a black and white movie in a pond?

Three and three quarters there...
List five easy to recall settings you felt strong positive emotions/connections with an X.
Take them...and start to change them.  Make them small and distant.  Reconfigure them to less significant places, with less involved actions.  Drown out color.
Recode the Memory.  Work down the list...How do you feel about those situations now?
Now, list five negative situations/instances.
Dramatize.  Intensify the color, make it bright.
Relive all five negative do you feel now?
Do you feel love?  I doubt it.  Yearning?  I don't think so.  Regret?  None, I bet!

Step IV
I Know, on a planet with over Six Billion People...someone else will come along...and change everything!
They can incorporate us in ways we always wanted to be emotionally connected too.
Physically, their attraction will be just as high as any experienced.
Mental health restored.  Spiritual coupling.
Psychologically speaking, happiness is possible.  If you allow for it.
Visualization truly is a tool capable of reshaping landscape post break up.

Knights in armor on horses (or Muses that seduce)  may not be the norm.  Ultimately, it is contingent upon your mental build you perceive.
Create a world predicated upon new happiness.  New Hope.
We Believe the images that we Create...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Descrbe your Life using ten words or less...

Self-centered. Generous. Detached. Involved. Callous. Empathetic. Insignificant. Relevant. Cursed. Lucky.
That's the beauty of everyone's's about perspective. We are constantly ever changing. We get what we make of it...
Most of it

Orthodox vs Catholic Easter Observance

According to Danial Paul Davis....

Both are commemorating the same thing: the resurrection of Yeshua ha Meschiach, Jesus the Messiah, from death.

The only difference is the date: the Roman Catholic method is (take a deep breath) the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. "First Sunday" is a margin of 7 days; "full moon" is a margin of 29 days; "vernal equinox" is a margin of 3 days (20th, 21st, or 22nd.) Easter could be within a 39 day span, basically, as early as March 22 (equinox on 20th, full moon on Saturday the 21st.) Or the full moon could have been the 21st, the Equinox would be the 22nd, the full moon 28 days later, April 18. "Thus the date of Easter is from March 22 through April 25, inclusive."
"The Greek Orthodox Church does not always celebrate Easter on the same day as the Catholic and Protestant countries. The reason is that the Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar when calculating Easter." <>. "This is case even in the churches that otherwise use the Gregorian calendar. When the Greek Orthodox Church in 1923 decided to change to the Gregorian calendar (or rather: a Revised Julian Calendar), they chose to use the astronomical full moon as the basis for calculating Easter, rather than the "official" full moon described in the previous sections. And they chose the meridian of Jerusalem to serve as definition of when a Sunday starts. However, except for some sporadic use in the 1920s, this system was never adopted in practice."
Weird, huh


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stylist Dana Oliver on Hair Health

"It isn't unusual for me to go three to four weeks without shampooing my hair. Not because I'm lazy or trying to preserve water (though every little bit counts); however, my curly 'fro looks better and gets bigger if I chill out on sudsing up every week. And many hairstylists and dermatologists support this "no 'poo movement," claiming that washing your hair too much can strip away healthy oils and lead to dry, damaged locks. So what's a girl to do when her sexy, lived-in hair has turned up limped and lifeless? En ter dry shampoo.
Dry shampoos have been gaining popularity in the last few years, but they first showed up in the 1970s. Either powder or aerosol, the starch or silica-based formulas are used to soak up excess oils in between shampoos and give a longer life to hairstyles.
I'll admit that I wasn't sold on the ideal of "cleaning" my curls with dry shampoo. But after hearing so many of my beauty blogging friends sing its praises, I thought I'd give it a go. My first mistake: holding the can like it was oil sheen and spraying it too closely to my scalp.
Desperately in need of a crash course on dry shampoo, I tapped into the expertise of celebrity hairstylists Larry Sims and Jacqueline Bush. Read on to find out what to do when you've sprayed on too much, how to get that fresh, clean hair smell and when it's time to go the traditional route. Click through the slideshow below to find out what happened when five Stylelist editors skipped the suds for three days.
What are the top dos and don'ts of using dry shampoo?
DO spray at least six inches away from the roots. "This will lightly and evenly distribute the product without creating buildup," says Sims.
DON'T spray on damp or wet hair. It's called dry shampoo for a reason.
DO wait about two minutes before styling. Bush adds, "I think women panic when they see that it comes out white. And they don't really let the product sit long enough, nor understand that they need to comb or blow-dry through."
DO use on roots and ends to add a modern matte texture.
DON'T worry if you get dry shampoo on the mid-shaft. Bush explains, "This gives extra grip to the hair and provides more volume, decreasing the too-soft feel fine hair can sometimes have."
Is there a major difference between spray and powder dry shampoos?
"Both essentially do the same thing: soak up excess oil," says Bush. "The force of the spray of powder helps soak up the oil a little better in my opinion. However, with the powder version, you don't have to deal with the odor and what it does to the air. I use the powder version on people who are very sensitive to odors and particles in the air."
What is the absolute longest a woman should go without washing her hair?
If you need to reach for dry shampoo after a third use, it's time to take a shower, according to Sims.

How do you suggest recreating the scent of fresh, clean hair?
"Take an essential oil like grapefruit, eucalyptus or peppermint, add a few drops to your fingertips, then run lightly over hair. I also like to do this at the base of the neck and behind the ears," says Bush.
Can women of color truly benefit from dry shampoo?
"The natural oils from your scalp weigh down your hair, giving a greasy look," says Sims. "Dry shampoo is great for all hair types, including women of color, because it dries out the oils on your hair, not the oils in your scalp."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Love is a Tug-of-War

Sometimes IT is difficult to Hold to it...Other times it's even harder to let it Go....
When One's emotions become limited or inhibited and they enter a relationship, this complicates the potential growth...the possible bond strength that could form and develop between two individuals.
When one individual is emotionally unavailable, they are best served (for their own good, as well as, for the good of whom they choose to get involved with) investing in themselves and emotionally maturing...otherwise they stand a good chance of psychologically and emotionally Damaging themselves and the person they are involving.
Not fair to either!
It also seems that most people lack that inner confidence/strength to search themselves out...when uninvolved with other people. Self development and maturation can potentially be staged on a lonely setting, and unfortunately, most folks fear that lonesome territory...and by default, drag others with them through it.

P.s. One day Late...better late then Never!
A very Happy Belated Birthday to very beautiful Woman...LeAnne
(she shares a Birthday with Buddha)
Plus, happy birthday to a new acquaintance...The Librarian

Friday, April 6, 2012

Intimacy goes beyond the Sexual

There is so much to be said about this entry...much the way there is so much to be learned from observing and experiencing others.
From the coo sounds of satisfaction, or the hissing from their frustrations
The warmth felt through their passion, or the cold experienced by their panic
The smell of their signature pecan pie, or the usual burning of a forgotten oven item
The way their smiles light up a dark room, or that frown my sadden a mood
To How wonderful a morning kiss may taste, all the way through that sprouting bitterness from a lack of that intimate connection...
Intimacy occurs in many forms through infinite levels
and to truly connect with need to hold those keys to all the doors, and use them regularly.
Never take anyone for granted!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hello and Good Day

I allowed my curiosity to dictate my search this early afternoon...which brought me to your hidden treasure trove of interesting introsective stories. The handful i read were extremely engaging and well written of course, otherwise you would have lost my interests to seek your truths much sooner...long before I decided to initiate and compose a friendly hello.

Of all your stories that I read, I found this specific one held a small parallel to how I have felt at times when I was younger especially. I have never knowingly felt depressed, but I am certainly finicky and very picky with my associates...therefore, I can migrate my emotional status to a very desolate location. In my early twenties, I experienced extreme instances of agoraphobia (even now I can randomly get a pang of overstimulation in active public settings).

What made the difference for me was the constant support of those around me. Growing up, I was lucky, everyone wanted to be my friend...forcing me to become more social then I would have liked. Very few, if any friends and family members truly understood how deeply invested I was with my solitude...and how content I felt being by myself. Long story short, I was forced to be social in settings friendly for my temperamental emotional state. Like I already said, no one truly knew how I was internalizing my feelings.

In college and through graduate school my Anti-social behavior peaked. At some point, I was hired out to tutor Human Physiology to a bunch of academic derelicts from a Fitness Organization. Being naturally gifted in fitness, I was immediately accepted by this gang of hooligans and misfits...and shortly thereafter, they invited me Into their professional ranks.
Saved by the outside. Soon thereafter,
I took employment in a very socially friendly setting...bringing me out of my lackluster interactive doldrums.
I love the fact I broke away from an emotional pit. I consider myself very lucky with being successful and accepted for who I am by my peers and clientele.
But, don't me wrong...I leave my work setting and can easily settle into the quiet ho-hum of no actions...but at least I know the taste of active experience, and it is always within my grasp whenever I want.
I feel bad for others who endure a much larger struggle...and whom feel lifeless within its clasp. If I can snap my fingers and share with others what I have been given...I would immediately do so.
Comfort with and In Company.
No oe ever truly likes constant loneliness.

P.s. Who knows, maybe I could have been lost myself within the grips of despair and depression had others not been there to force out of my ruts.
Thanks for letting me vent...

I look forward to reading your entire library, feel free to scan through my entourage of narratives. You mind if we become friends?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

For the Love of Humanity...

Do you have to announce that...
"I feel Offended!"

By doing so, you are telling EVERYONE that...
You can't control your emotions,
So everyone else must do it for you!

Why you are SoSoSo Welcome!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Do you believe in "The One"?

If so...
Finding the One, does it involve an active search???
will your paths be destined to cross?
And...if they do...what will you do?

On September 27, 2010 I started a blog...this very blog! My first entry specifically deals with THIS topic and I titled it "Single Life".
Bottom line, perfection is the unattainable (for a variety of reason). Perfection only exists in fairy tales. Since people evolve continually, no one is ever the same from the point you meet them. So if someone seems like a perfect fit, they may be for this moment...but where will you be down the road? Where will they be then? Will things still be "perfect"?
In my humble opinion, we need to be more understanding and accepting...rather than forcing or expecting others to perfectly conform to the mold ideal to what we want (that only sets us up for failed expectations). By accepting others, and allowing yourself to grow in your natural direction...then you are best served finding OTHERS who share those beliefs and anticipate a similar maturation.

P.s. everyone comes into our lives for a reason, and the reason is some lesson!


For whatever that reason may be...Without it, it wouldn't happen!
Randomness with a purpose, reason from a cause.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kelpie Captivations

Some of the best seduction comes through the heart of folklore...haunts with riveting supernatural appeals. Shape shifting Muses have conquered many men from the dawn of time...with alluring breathtaking sights of beauty, strength and power. Her dripping mane magnetizes the gaze...the sleek long flesh glamours with a cold so strong only death knows those throes...transforming before the eyes into a charming submissive stranglehold, relentlessly unforgiving and unrelenting...effortless deluding, step by step. Fixated upon an unattainable desire...scouting eyes, piering unnoticed.
If all tragedies where this enticing, this humbling...the many corruptions of the human soul...