Friday, December 31, 2010

The End of the Line is Near

TwoThousand2010Ten is 10ten10 hours 10:00:00 away from ending...enter 20TwentyEleven11
Make this your best year yet
Just remember, respect...
spread your love and respect
and just maybe
you'll get some in return
Enjoy your New Year
Be Smart and Safe tonight

PS to my Loyal Reader
Lorraine Chamblain
St. James is never the same
without you
the Boyz

Thursday, December 30, 2010

28, 13, 19, 56, 10 and 23

My fortune cookie reads...the ingredients in a good life are to Learn, and then earn...and we will all eventually yearn...
Well Mr cookie, well done, my turn
   Strong, healthy relationships have their own ingredients...lets start with our enthusiasm to explore and grow with our partners.  Find our partners attractive from the soul out.  Share physical affection, just as much as, emotional connection...remember to place your partners needs within your eyesight...don't ever take your partner for granted.  The backbone to all relationships is the ability to communicate...discuss anything and everything with Complete HONESTY...while actively listening and being able to hear what your partner is saying.  Compatibility...Mesh...the relationship is a living entity therefore it has to coagulate into a co-functional manner.  The ability to entirely engage your partner...keep interest through intelligence...challenge...need each other.  Finally the foundation to success is accepting your partner for whom they are...this means you respect and hold consideration...ultimately recognizing and tolerating...(to accept does not necessarily mean to agree with, comply, or give in).
Be yourselves, love yourselves, and just maybe you can love others...
This is captain Pat Benson acknowledging the recent release of lieutenant Hughes from he is free to marry his love of his life fiancee Alyssa Pasedeno.

Hello there Jenni

Its that time of year were stupidity dictates activity...Meet Ms Jennifer Marie Riegler, a twenty23three year old woman from Hebron, Maryland.  Accused of stripping naked and harassing staff and customers at a Royal Farm store in town.  With her lewd remarks followed by her sexually suggestive inappropriate behavior, the store staff quickly alerted the local deputy whom promptly showed up and arranged for Ms Riegler's escort to the local "time-out" center.  By weeks end, she most certainly will have plenty of company to harass within her intimate area of confinement...
Be smart
Be safe
But still remember to enjoy yourself, without harming yourself or anybody else...Right Ms Riegler?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is there something WRONG with your Medulla Oblongata?

Greek word for almond and tonsil.  The Amygdala is also the anatomical name for a very specific region in the mammalian brain.  It is located in the medial temporal lobes of the brain, and its comprised of a cluster of nuclei forming the shape of an "almond".  The known primary role of this region is to processes and store/recall Emotional Reactions and Events.  This helps regulate your fear and fight or flight reactions.

     Recent studies have shown a direct correlation with the size of the Amygdala and the size of an individual's social network.  The bigger the Amygdala the larger the social circle an individual reported having.  I found this very interesting...because this in essence is stating that to a certain degree, you are built with the ability to function socially (tangible data..and i love facts!).  Although an argument could be made that large social functioning individuals develop larger Amygdala in response to deal with a "need" for social situations (again worth investigating).  Lets take this one small step deeper in analyzing the ultimate social setting, a relationship.  Can a person with a "small" Amygdala have an inadequate ability to sustain a healthy relationship?  Does an individual with a "large" Amygdala have a better ability to maintain stable relationships?  Interesting if it could be that simple.  Another interesting aspect to the Amygdala is its processing of personal space violations. HypersensitiveToSpaceaAreWe?  With this thought process in hand, researchers are trying to understand how abnormalities in this brain region may impair social behavior in neurologic and psychiatric disorders.
My final word of time you make a date with someone, make sure they share their MRI's as well...this is Captain Patrick Benson signing off on this Snow filled Tuesday Morning
Be well
Be Safe

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Godzilla and the Pink Footsie Camouflage Pajamas

     You don't have to agree or approve of an individual in order to accept them.  To impede an individuals' form of expression is criminal to that are denying the reality of the relationship...all for the purpose of attempting to change someones else undesirable trait(s).  Any and all actions or behaviors one may deem as undesirable (or "unacceptable") are rarely done to intentionally thwart or to be compromising.  These are forms of expression typically done through natural means of living.  Take for example a pet dog.  This animal means no ill will by chewing on furniture, it is its instinct.  This animal would be just as happy if it had a chew toy.  When faced with something we do not agree with, we instantly make this a personal attack, when in fact it may be anything other then that.  When we learn to be accepting, we will find peace with that individual.  Sometimes in order to accept, we may need to find compromise in the relationship, this is where communication lays the foundation for growth.  Remember, you can not change someone, you can only change yourself!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Seasons Greetings

On December 25TwentyFifth25 in the year NineTeen1965SixtyFive, This world was Blessed with the Arrival Of one Sandy Stine...Happy Birthday Mrs Burkhardt from all your family, friends, and acquaintances from out East.

    This is the time of year where family and friends reacquaint and relive old memories, some fond...others not.  Past journeys, forgotten adventures.  Reminisce about lost loves, connect with new lust.  Share with ones you love, laugh with those you adore...immerse your affection with a devoted appetite that these holidays will bring.  A naive mysticism that entangles its web in each generation with a beloved passion and loyal connection.  Its the time of year, where you set aside your differences, forgive the wrongs and embrace your enthusiasm.
Merry Christmas to all

A memo to Hollywood Hughes

All Talk Chuck, stuck in a Tijuana caught with three hookers and a half an ounce of cocaine.  I guess he forgot to bribe the Mexican federalists.  Good luck old boy.
PS Beats being in

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday

May your Blessed Path continue you On
For Many More Healthy Decades

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oil and Vinegar make for Good Dressing

If you do the Irish Jig backwards, you can undo time...This truly is an unexplained phenomenon?!  I'm just lying to you now, but you can always try it anyhow, you just never know...
     There is a lot of mystery in attempting to understand why any relationship will flourish or fail.  Lets identify those critical elements of a successful adhesion of individuals that create that necessary connection integral in achieving a successful relationship.  First1st and foremost, how compatible are your personalities?  Do you really get along?  Or are you silently irritated by their personality?  Laid back vs High strung?  Dealing with adversity?  How compatible are you?  Next is communication compatibility.  A direct or indirect communicator?  Is there one individual that does the talking, is someone the silent type?  Are you talking over each other?  Evaluate your discussions and identify if there is good flow within the conversation.  Better yet, do you enjoy the talk?  Another factor is your crossover compatibility.  Do you mix well within each others social circles?  How about family gatherings?  Do these situations induce STRESS?  A grossly underestimated factor is lifestyle compatibility.  Are you into your own personal health?  Or you prefer junk (that word bares resembles to the word puke...must be the U and the K) as your life style?  Money is probably the Biggest stress factor in all relationships...frugal vs generous (lets replace generous with stupid!).  Couples with similar ideas about their finances often have easier relationship roads.  Couples also bond through similar life experiences, professional endeavors, political and social views.  Another important facet where similar is better is intimacy...couples that share similar comforts within specified ideas of intimacy often fare a closer fate.  Opposing views on intimacy will quickly fizzle any romance, creating an environment of resentment.
     In order to peacefully coexist with your mate, evaluate how the two of you mesh together...and accept, change YourSelf, or leave...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Oenophile Heaven under Sunny Blue Skies

     The older i get, the more i get it...why people migrate in flocks down south.  Winters up north are cold, dark and emotionally desolate.  Sun enhances your mood, our circadian rhythms are contingent upon our exposure to it...the sun in essence is our life force.  Circadian rhythms are daily rhythmic activities (based upon twenty24four hour time intervals) that lead to hormonal regulatory type of biomedical, physiological, or behavioral processes...basically it is your daily internal clock.  The dominant hormone in this cycle is melatonin.  If you are feeling hungry, grumpy or tired...spend a little extra time with the sun (or drink some water, grab a little fruit) might help balance out whatever hormonal discrepancy you might be internalizing.
The Chinese believe that this is the explanation of the flow of energy (otherwise known as Qi) throughout the body in patterns called meridians.  These meridians have two hours of maximum function, as well as, two hours of minimum function.
Nonetheless, it would be nice to see sun, all under nice weather conditions, preferably a warm weather condition.  A year ago, i was unearthing myself from a 30thirty30 inch snow fall.

The weekend was a complete pleasure.  Saturday was warm and sunny and the vineyards where open for business...Best of all i had wonderful company.  Each time i see Kathryn, her beauty reveals another layer of her enchanting complexity, unveiling exquisite seduction and sublime radiance.  I feel completely comfortable around her, which is rarely the case when i am around people.  My instinct to be a loner,  therefore to find a calmness in social settings is definitely something outside of the norm.  She has just the right mix of beauty with silly...a playfully inquisitive soul with a golden heart.
     We visited 4four vineyards.  Two Momma and Pop, two corporate.  Corporate gets the Thumbs Down (we didn't even stay for a tasting at the first one...pppsssstttt its Entemann's owned).  The second Corporate Vineyard was salvaged by a bonfire occupied by Kathryn, myself, this female demoniacal attorney (she had it in for her look alike date) and a group of intrinsically overly-friendly women.  The group of women were observed feeding each other cheese, bread, and wine.  We left for our final destination.  It's an old horse farm converted to a vineyard, and what a ,lovely way to end the wine journey  The name of the vineyard is Baiting Hollow Vineyard (and along with being a vineyard, they are also a horse rescue foundation).  We tasted two really good wines their 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon and 2007 Red Velvet (a blended red wine)...the second wine was absolutely dense and decadent.  Full bodied and completely bedazzling with its array of dry berry flavors with an unrelenting smoothness of the finish...the wine needs to be renamed 2007 Hypnotic.  All in all, the first vineyard was by far the most impressive facility with their product and by their operation...Shinn Vineyard in Mattituck.  This Vineyard is the only self sustaining Green Facility east of Colorado.  Their 2007 9nine9 Barrels Merlot is as good of a Merlot as you will find on Long Island.  I was also impressed by there 2007 Petite Verdot and 2007 Malbec (both one hundred 100% single varietal)...For the record, Thousand2007Seven was a superior year (climatically speaking) for Long Island grape growing (a very dry summer season...although keep in mind that a bad wine maker will drought anybody's palate).  Dinner time came, Kathryn and I feasted on sushi and sashimi...she strongly insisted that i finish all the food and wine (she truly is a person after my own heart).   After dinner we were tired so we rested for a little while, and later on shared our good byes...and then we parted.  Good Night Dear Kathryn...until next time.

PS if you claim to have a Snowman on the menu
then have the snowman on the menu
Fix the Fryer!
Or lose the Menu's

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bundle Up

     With the temperature in the low 20's, factor in the wind your talking about the type of temperature that turns your fingers blue, i'm doing the unimaginable (finding comfort...) by overdosing on sugar (Sweets Rock).  They're coming in all shapes and sizes  SUCH AS  cookies, chocolat, dried fruit, peanut butter (i can make this an endless list).  Jinxed by my own mouth, in more ways then one.  Luckily for me, my fitness regiment is quite concise, and i can overcome such troubling morning behavior.  The fact that my body sports a high volume of lean muscle mass only enables me to utilize more fuel than the typical individual, hence making this minor sugar binge just another lap on some treadmill by mid day today.  (the peppermint taste is still lingering on my palate...what a minty smooth finish).  On a more serious note i can just about draw a parallel between personal fitness and health in a relationship.  I find individuals who lack the motivation to address their own personal health issues almost always neglect the health of their own personal relationships...whether its spousal, familial, or just a common friendship.  It could be due to low self esteem, not respecting thy self.  This inner reflection only gets deflected outward, and people slowly allow themselves to harbor negative connections.  Take care of your self, and this will enable you to work Well with others.
Ps, inward Health will lead
to Strong outward Connections

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

An apology

To all my readers who anticipate more to read, due to my restricted schedule at the moment, i can only contribute limited attention to our shared forum...
therefore i will leave you tonight a fact, an important fact
and it will be up to you
to do what is best for you
People who choose to workout will live longer
people who chose not to workout will die sooner

May your God bless us all
and keep your faith strong

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Scattered yet Methodical

To define happenstance, one would have to identify the father Happen and the Mother circumstance...creating a notion of chance that interacts with unpredictable occurrences affecting ours lives.  My mind is too scientific to not accept randomness, in the form of collisions.  Look at a our moon, that was a result of a collision theorized to have occurred approximately four and a 1/2 BILLION years ago...happenstance
I do live my life with the rule of randomness, hence the reason for my participation of the 1/4 arbitrarily decides fate.  Call my niche, i call it luck...its said your better off being lucky then good.  Many roads have started under this pretense.
Yesterday was a day of three3.  Friday Night i received a an invite from an old fellow comrade Tristan.  The last time i saw Tristan the moon has gone through thirty 3faces0. Yesterday Tristan Found ME.  All by chance...our paths just crossed in the middle of an ocean that i never swim in.  HMMMM...
I had dinner plans with Sandi and Joe, i picked the place (I haven't eaten there in One thousand five hundred and 14 days).  On my way there, i found a mound of cash do$$ars in the middle of a dark road.  Merry Christmas Sandi and Joe, dinner is on me.  (I also bought a fist full of tickets).  Maybe there's more to come?
The third might have been the oddest, as if the first 2 weren't odd enough.  I wrote a lovely email to Kathryn, sent it out...the only problem, she never received it since i addressed it to a false destination.  That was sent out at Si6 PM.  Interesting how chance can dictate any road...
Randomness exists in our world and in our minds, we can choose to accept it and embrace it...but those that fear it will only ignore it

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just to Let you all Know

Good afternoon to all my readers,
Let me remind you all, from those that know me, to some whom may know of me, and to the rest of the world for randomly crossing paths...converging on a road of words that i have constructed for our journeys.
To all four14teen countries throughout 4four4 continents...Thank you for your reads, whether its just once, or a repeat visit
I appreciate all your support.

Friday, December 10, 2010


    One of my mothers' once told me, you need to be proactive and make an effort for the i did just that.  Switched some things around and asked for a couple of favors.  By the time dusk arrived, i was southwest, driving into a sunset.  The cool ocean breeze lightly frosted the reddish skyline...eventually the evening clouds shielded the nights' light.  Shes tall, attractive and slender, her radiant personality greets you twenty yards before you even hear her two miniature guardians.  Alpha and Beta.  Willow greets my hand with her filed down canines...i know shes just saying hi.  Kathryn's charming smile is enhanced by her sweetly expressive and seductively exotic cheek line, her delightfully enchanting large green  ii's sparkled under the savory clouds...with a thrust of energy to defrost the antarctic.  Karen is inside, patiently waiting for me as well.  Their curiosity is satisfied, that i am no longer a figment of their imagination.  Imagination is good though, it is a genesis for intrigue... a naive mystery for the heart and mind.  We leave to meet with Rosemary, her recipes are terrific, her company is comforting.  The mood is a mixture of minor anxious disappointment coupled with almost a relief of relaxation.  The whole crew is warm and pleasant (even the mean and cold ones).  We leave when its time...and time it was.  Four4 hours later, as slow as i could, i coast my way back north, the late evening never tired my mind nor spirit.  Goodness does exist, and when exposed refreshes the soul.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cheers To

Mr Paul Gutierrez, fellow Blogger and online literary enterpriser.  Welcome!  Your 3thirtyeight8 points are certainly close to your heart.  You get an A for Authenticity...true to your wants.  Bless your heart for your love and admiration to all hamsters in this world.  Bravo friend for taking that leap into a fateless pit!  The unknown lurks in those darkened depths.  With your five5%percent in hand, no easy feat...let me tell you Paulie.  I'll do my due diligence, but you'll need to make some concessions.  Understand that each individual is much like a caterpillar...destined for metamorphosis.  And like all butterflies, float up into our heavenly skies...becoming one with a celestial nature.

Ps Paulie, just for you buddy
ps follow this link and then click on his home about Paul and his Thirty8 points

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What did you do on

Pearl Harbor Day?
It was cold and clear, the day after the sixth6th, i don't care much for that Monday.  The weekend was short, my cell is dead, isn't it always?  Remember this, batteries have memory.  I'm exercising less, but my weight is down...i have nutritionists whispering in ear.  Some vineyard owner is visiting, asking me ridiculous things, I'm trying to help him...i don't even know why he is even here.  Speaking of the ridiculous, its really cold for my blood...there goes the theory that i am cold blooded.  I'm rambling, you might be reading.  Its a quarter after six6am in the morning so early...what are you doing right this second?where are you at this very moment?  My fingers are cold, i am wearing a green scarf and gloves...

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Lets just C(s)ay, just for this on1e moment...all hypothetical of course...that the Center of the universe exists (and it does so) just to revolve around Cuzy...could this actually be?  You know that type of individual?
containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation
extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful
  Contagious, infectious, harmful, malignant, noxious, deleterious, calamitous...fatal...this descriptive pathogenic list is endless...In describing a vicious self feeding (psychologically driven) mentally dependent Cycle to an addicted situation.  One must muster their inner self strength in order to extricate themselves from these detrimental relationships.  Ask the question?  Is this Good For ME?  Is this healthy for ME?  If both answers are know what you must do.  Find Closure and move on.

     Even though Kathryn asked me not to include her in the blog, i will make today's exception in this one statement...just for the record, anything involving Kathryn is posi+ive, as per the agreement.  Six6 PM, this past Saturday, she convinced me to go.  Up until that point, i was on the fence...well the fence fell in a very specific direction.  Thirty minutes later, i was shaving and texting Joe.  By Seven 30 that evening, i had made my long walk up some old stairs...there are many ghosts that line that outstretched ascending corridor...reminders for those that make that March.  My name was on this list, Joe's wasn't, they made an exception.  I hand my coat to the grumpy coat check lady (i bet her stamp is still on the back of my hand).  I scan to my left and lo and behold Sandi (with drink in hand) causally floats in our direction.  I introduce Joe to Sandi ( i had an intuition that they would be compatible...they are kindred spirits on similar paths). and i walk away, there are many people here that would like to say HI.
The Mood is Festive, the music is loud...150(onefifty) in people line the parameters...Noise everywhere.  Santa's helper greets and drags me.  I see the buffet table, i would rather eat then drink (beer is ok, but my wine is better and somewhere else ;  P  On my plate sits a small cut of fish, a three ounce serving of chicken and approximately a quarter cup of roasted potatoes.  I feel better already.  The room continues to greet me, the crowd is ever so pleasant.  Tracy is waiting for us down the road and around the corner.  We go, without even really say our byes, its ok, i doubt we go noticed.  I meet Tracy.  The first thing that surprised me about her, is that shes more attractive then i expected ( i do not know why i would have expected someone less attractive).  Maybe the whole fallacy of women turning into pumpkins once they turn Four40ty?  Still not a good reason.  Well, she truly has a certain charm, between her tasteful lewdness and comic truth of the faults and roads of reality.  I could listen to her for hours, shes that engaging.  As i listened to her theories (facts!), i see the smirk on Joe's face, and i know why...its the shared philosophy behind those discussions.  Look Up MYSTERIO.  Sandi, Joe and I leave for some Live music (Tracy stays with her party),  We make Our way across a extensive parking lot.  We reach our destination, by this point, i know where i belong, somewhere else, my Sunday starts early.  I leave, but i do say good bye...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Respects to all John Lennon Fans on this December 4th

The most famous Residence building in New York?
 The Dakota...
Well lets start our story for the day

     Jayson rhymes with Benjamin, and the S in silly stands for Stupid...right Jay?  Or should i just keep it simple and call you Ben?  Simple is a good word, denotes basic, and that sums up the mind of any regular fellow.  I must say that i am very curious to hear Sandi's friend Tracy, her Relationship Theories.  If my insights stand for Ying, then Tracy's perspective could be Yang.  Its Saturday, that could mean that tomorrow's discussion could be an endless wave of mindless rift.  Where will the tide take us?
Just for the record...i is for idiot (Vlaka if you know Greek).  Following me Jay?
Anyhow, the party tonight some ONE100HUNDRED guests in a dance club best exemplified by the Jersey Shore knucklehead mentally...i absolutely can not wait to not go, thank you.
more like lamebrain and lunkheaded with a flavoring of Yappiness
loquacious in their own way, not even one that only a mother could love...poor, ignorant basterds
I expect that this party could potentially be (lets keep this political and eloquent) fatefully calamitous when you get lonely people in a room full of free alcohol...just for the record not all guest fall within this demographic!  At least the party (lets hope) ends before midnight...because nothing ever Good happens After midnight.  I just got off the phone with my sister, i was hoping to convince her to come with me, not because i feel comfortable bringing a date, but rather she could be my buffer...there is an unknown that exists within an all consuming rip tide of infinite drowning souls...the majority i only know from afar, therein exists the unknown...shes more interested in lactate levels during exercise
I always feared my sisters' boredom could sink any vessel
Should i go?  To be perfectly honest, there are probably ten other adventures i would rather attempt tonight...(none include Autumn Nights)...there is a ring to that name
Better than being the Big Ugly Yucky Boogie, right Jayson?  Jay?  Buddy are you still with me?
To bring closure on the J file, as a holiday Text to all of his past conquests...he sent them all a painfully basic and bare reminder of their fleeting lost bonded lust...
Lets be honest here, that probably Only reinforced to the ladies how good their current fortune truly is!
Much to his chagrin, Jay's fiancee found those texts....

Friday, December 3, 2010

Can you guess?

What is an abrupt twist or curve?
Yet still a peculiar trait?  (Idiosyncrasy)
I can be many things...
Unpredictable, extravagant Manifestation

     It is my gift to this exquisite world we cohabit, one that i after day...My grin leads to your confusion, my smile gives way to our felicity...a kind aptness that always goes appreciated
I make no apologies, i have no regrets
well, maybe oneor2, here and/or there
Its like wearing a snuggie...warm and fuzzy
(spell check has never seen that word before, snuggie)
Just when you think you know what to expect, U remind yourself to
In the past ten minutes i have been invited to, and re-invited to a party, told to drop dead...and then i threw a curve and confused Dan.  As in Miner.
Some Guy Fox (that makes two that i know), called me ten times...between 3 am and 5 thirty A.M.  and i don't know why
definitely Marilyn just told me "that is" terrific...
Whats terrific?
then i lifted the file cabinet and brought it to her upstairs (it was light)
I hear the keys rattle, my fingers are restless, my mind many places to go
i know
who's there
i don't
as in know

Trust Me
I Love Every
Minute of It 
Whats it? 

Ps I am strongly considering
The east end at some point this weekend  
and i know that Paul Giamatti loves Merlot 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nutrition for US to Ponder

In the homeland of the Super SIZE population
The average adult and Child is Overweight
(The world leader with 30% obesity per ca pita
thirty percent )
while being the most
deficient in vitamins and minerals

A serving size is a measured amount of food (could potentially be appropriate for body size and activity).  A portion size is the amount of food someone elects to serve themselves (varies from person to person...even varying from time to time with the same person).

     Nightshade foods are low alkaloid foods.  These foods can impact the body at the nerve-muscle junction by blocking enzyme activity within the nerve cell...disrupting muscle control.  This can lead to muscle twitching,  trembling, breathing paralysis, or convulsions (just to name some effects).  Another way that lower alkaloid level can affect the body is by disrupting joints via inflammation or altered mineral status.  Some foods low in alkaloids are potatoes, tomatoes, cherries, eggplant, hot and sweet peppers, pimentos, tomatillos, pepinos, paprika, cayenne and Tabasco (just to name a few).  In a healthy body, the effects of these foods are mild, and tend to go unnoticed.  A certain percentage of the general population will have a sensitivity (or allergy) to nightshade foods, which amplify these reactions.  If you have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout, you will experience a heightened sensitivity to the aftershocks of nightshade foods.  Individuals with a higher daily activity level should increase their vitamin and mineral intake in order for their bodies to perform with higher efficiency, limiting nightshade effects.

Off Topic Here "LOVE your HEART"

- Our Favorite princess Katie Desmond

     I came across some interesting information over the past day, there were studies done to forecast factors that determine cancer probability within individuals.  According to one Dr. Andrew Lipton, the most consistent denominator he has found in his studies is...that the mettle capacity has a direct correlation with probability of expressing cancerous growths.  Reread that!  What he is saying, in essence is that a person's perception can directly induce or prohibit the expression of these growths.  Interesting and certainly outside of the box thinking.  Then i got to thinking, how is it possible (or even how can it be), that a placebo can cure a problem?  If you use this "Lipton" model as the basis for this explanation, you can certainly make an argument supporting that the thesis of self inducing (or prohibiting) cancer.  Let me be clear, this discussion does not start and end with a conclusion of individuals mentally completely controlling their health path (start to finish)...but rather that the mind can either ignite or suppress the underlying elements of the turn expressing or stifling the growth of the sickness.
     A Truly interesting Idea.  Which brings me into the general direction of my next thought...brought to you by my co worker Elizabeth...shes everyone's sweetheart (she gave me a Hanukkah gift today, i am not even Jewish) and she will talk off your ear (that can put me in a bad spot).  She is currently reading a book about self empowerment.  In the chapter that she was reading last week, the discussion revolved around an individuals mentality for a given day.  The Author wrote that a person, within moments upon waking up will ("pre")determine the mental road for the day...meaning that a "good" day or a "bad" day is a by product of what you set your perception up as.  Does this make sense, yes?  Ever hear of the saying "If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade"?  Similar concept.  Its your perception of events in conjunction with your "out-look" or "mood" that can determine the success of your days path...and this book made an argument that, that course is set in motion from the moment your mind wakes up.
Next time that you're having a bad day, if things are not going your way...maybe if you change your thinking, just maybe, your day may start to turn for the better...
Just a thought, one of many....

"Dies Young @ an Old Age"