Monday, May 11, 2020

c e n t r i c

Take a deep breathe in,

then slowly exhale.

Step back.

Very few people can set aside their ego and humble themselves.
humans through their egos, make themselves too prideful to admit fault and mistake.  Instead, the ego protects itself by diverting blame.
The ego does not acknowledge responsibility of its errors,
The ego, in the image of perfection, is flawless...
Humans, their ego
Are centered in the existance of me
"This World, is my world"
The Only World
Anything (not pertinent) around 'me' is just the shadow of insignificant remnants
and I,
The Ego
Create the color that fits the puzzle of here
A puzzle, with the solution, conducive of my mood of existence right now

I know that isn't right, but none of this is about being right.
If being right was the end game, I would be in a different state of here and now.