Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mercury Retrograde

starts now with...
Courageous and Impatience
your mind will move quickly
overload of information
floods with new concepts
Personal and Professional new contacts
Impulses will certainly be quick to trigger

Breathe new life in Old Habits
See Life from a Different Light

Think before you speak
wait before you act
Absorb emotion
before you release

U-n-muddle lost messages
Just Listen to...
Who is talking and
what they're trying to say

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Debbie craves

chocolate, therefore she hides behind me and eats it
with a cup of coffee (she corrected me, it was Tea) in hand
You Go Debbie, and enjoy!

Sometimes its better to get a little taste and enjoy
then to never have tried and wondered

Monday, March 28, 2011

Here is an article

about depression
Depression affects many people
maybe even people that we know and care about
some people are able to deal with their depression better then others|main5|dl4|sec1_lnk2|51857

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Do Believe that

The Fountain of Youth exists...and it comes in the form of Personal Fitness supplemented with proper nutrition...Yes i Drink from This Fountain Daily!!!

In Light of

the increased global attention to the protests in these cultural suppressed Muslim countries, i recently read some interesting facts and figures...about our host planet and its Five5Billion plus inhabitants of Homo Sapiens.
Over this past decade (meaning a little over thirtysix3600+hundred days), there have been
sevenhundred705andfive individuals on this planet that have earned Billionaire status
The World's Population Starvation number has grown by 
Over 6sixtyeight8 Million People
I love numbers, most days i understand numbers better then i understand people...what do you think about those  numbers!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I truly must say

that i received the world's oddest and perhaps funniest text message early this cold and snowy Thursday morning...its reads and i will quote...
"I'd never set ur cat on fire."

     That is correct, i received that text at six6:45fortyfive a.m. (this morning)...apparently from someone who likes cats, i guess?  Maybe...or maybe they haven't quite decided how they feel about cats?  I always seem to get myself into trouble with women and their cats.

Virtuous Moxie

Courage is very important to the human allows for the elemental development of the perseverance needed in order to overcome the obstacles that one will face throughout life...everyone receives these challenges, it is up to the individual to meet and exceed...grow from these trials and tribulations and become the best that we can.  Courage is like a muscle, strengthened through use...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

She just snuck up on me

Like a new lust...she s l o w l y started out...smooth and silky, with ever so a subtle hint of sour cherry followed with a sophisticated spicy berry-esque draw...her effusive and fascinating bouquet drifted so quietly, wrapping herself completely around me...overwhelming my very thought with tension and precision of a violin solo.  Mesmerized by her graceful fluidity...a shimmering shadow with a tantalizing strong, long and sleek physique...her pale exposed flesh rivaled her polished dark, dense and spicy presence of a resonating cello...cavalier in heavy and supple plum with sweet blueberry flavors, bitter with tea leaf and a peppercorn tinge...her skin bleeds salt as her sweat glides effortlessly up against the rooms dim light...look at those long strong legs, yet she remains extremely light on her feet.  Her svelte motion fades behind a poised veil of fine clove and mineral...deeply lingering with fleshy her delicate departure...
if only she wasn't so shy and understood her beauty and allure...sweet melody of a voice trapped within the beauty of a Goddess...sing for me mysterious siren

PS 2008 Pinot Noir of Oregon
Heaven has a place on everyone's palate

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Let your vision be world embracing..." - Baha u llah

Welcome to the first day of spring in the twothousand2000 and E11eventh Year of recorded modern history.
The start of the new year according to the Baha'i religion

God has many designations (Allah, Yahweh, Brahma...just to name some) yet any name refers to the Ultimate One Divine Being whose nature is unknowable and inaccessible to humankind...
God throughout recorded history has spread that legacy of divinity through " Divine Messengers" who teach and guide humanity (ie..Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and Baha u llah).
According to Baha u llah, "the earth is but one country and mankind is its citizens"....he preached that its time for humanity to live in unity.

PS one God =
Universe and all
its creatures
and forces
within it
have been created by a
s1ngle supernatural being

Se7en signs that things may not be right!!!!!!!

I found it
tell me what you think

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The World's Paradox

Artist use lies to illustrate truths...
...Politicians abuse the truth to hide lies

Imagine a world that held no judgment, nor prejudice
Where conflicts lead to friendships
quarrels follow peace

Last night i was surrounded by many loving people, and none of them would have cared if i was out in my Underwear...just saying

Yup, thats right...I was in my Underwear when i approached a few new readers...I hope you enjoy the posting

     Relationships get built day by day, act by act.  It starts with the foundation cementing itself, then the walls erect themselves around that grounding...then getting protected by a capping of a roof, which slowly gets filled on the inside with pipes, wires, insulation, furniture and decorations.  Soon there after life exists within.  There are certain principles that make this construction somewhat with gardens often make for a calm comfort!
     Rule Number1#One#1 build your relationship on will follow...if you respectfully care, love always follows.  Let me add a PS to that...leave out (avoid harboring on) your own personal inadequacies and flaws (at least leave out the details) when in a New relationship!  Indications (discussions or admission) of low self esteem or embarrassing weaknesses certainly will compound and potential kill a relationship when any tumultuous situations arise...fights and problems between people will always occur, no matter how strong your bond may be...this is why you need to have respect first!!!  For your self and the other person.
      Relationships that start off with too much steam often falter in the long haul...make sure you properly pace yourselves.  Don't give your potential mate the opportunity to get tired of you (keep calling, texting...etc to a minimum.)...Most people deal poorly when smothered.  Also avoid that quick commitment for life...this can quickly lead the other individual into a panic if you both do not come to this conclusion together.  Grow together...don't run behind or ahead.
       Tests.  I am the Task master, ask anyone who actually truly knows me...its in my blood, its ingrained in my genetics...its my gift to share for the better with the world (well i hope its for the better).  Relationships are continually being subjected to these trials and experimentation type of actions by individuals who are too cautious to accept the strength and commitment of their bond.  These "exercises" can take many forms, but it is basically involving some sort of pulling back from the other person to see what happens....some common ways this can happen is through some silly and/or needless fight...or my favorite stir trouble with meaningless flirtations with a rival (very effective).
Now there are two questions that are being asked through these acts...
"How free am I to leave if I want to?"
"How important am I to you and what would do if you lost me?"
This is what I've will need a sense of security, be equally independent and poised in order to weather this scenario.  I find that too much pleading /slash/ groveling leads to single life...just saying.
Break-ups are tests that are motivated by either or of the individuals in order to assess the validity and stability of their bond.  With proper and solid skills in handling this crisis, the rejected individual can reconcile the starts with a personal calmness and an understanding that you should not depend entirely upon someone else for the satisfaction of every emotional need...keep your interests alive outside of any relationship*  Finally guard against selfishness in your one party should give an all out effort to keep the other happy...its a two way street with crossroads...just saying.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alchemist at Heart

The Power to turn the Ordinary
something Extra-ordinary


the little (or modest) amount of good that Man offers this world outweigh all the harmful destruction that has been done to (and is destined for)?

I was recently asked if i am a pessimist or an optimist...I answered that i am a realist...which was countered with with the statement "that is what all Pessimist say".
I would say the split is probably closer to Fifty/50 between positive growth vs harmful only thought was that everyone can still do more good and less harm if they set aside personal agendas and self satisfaction.

Maybe you can classify me as a spiritual humanitarian...
Be good, Be well and Be blessed

Happy St. Patrick's Day to Everyone.

St. Patrick is a patron Saint of Ireland.  He was credited with "driving out the Snakes from Ireland".  This is symbolic of his campaign to spread Christianity amongst the tribes and communities of Ireland that may have held polytheistic type of beliefs, ideals, and practices.  Nowadays, this is a day of Parades, Beer, and Whiskey.  I bet just what good ole Patrick had in mind...what did he say about snakes?
Wear your Green, i just love that color...and let it roll
Make the effort to do something good for someone you don't know.  You just never know when that goodness will come back your way.
Luck of the Irish, Luck of the Green

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What happens when

the conveyed idea doesn't necessarily get interpreted as the illustrator ideally invoked...lost in translation

With creation there is expectation, where upon then becomes interpretation...that only exists at the mercy of what you want to discover

We see, hear, and feel...ultimately believing what we want irrelevant of what might be closer to A truth.

Sometimes our minds are already decided for, regardless of consequences/circumstances...then you wait for a catalyst.  It's always easier to have a point of blame (which at times becomes the deciding point).

In order to get the right point across, you need to have the proper presenter of information and a receiver with open intentions.

I wonder what our world would be like if we didn't lie to each other, if we were not so selfish and self is by nature extremely destructive to anything within reach.
Watching a nuclear reactor meltdown, man only needs himself to destroy his own home...sometimes a catalyst might come by and make it quicker.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stubbornness is the Toxicity that can Stump GROWTH

Beware of the Ides of March

"Et tu Brute"
Julius's famous last words as the final blow slowly drowned a dying emperor...
He was warned though.
Good things can also happen on the Ides
Lets all wish Ms Chamberlain a happy, a very happy birthday...she is turning 39 years of age today.  Spunky and full of energy as always, up from her get away home, visiting a very motley crew...up here, North...We are Yanks, true and through.
May the Ides fare you all a better fate then Julius!
Be well
Be blessed
and do Good!

Monday, March 14, 2011

To answer your question in mind

Daylight savings time were implemented to help cut cost of fuel consumption!
Do you really think that Farmer's orchestrate their work day around conventional time?  How does changing your watch affect when they get up and "do their thing"?

PS that is the exact reason why
Our traffic rules allow for
turn on Red

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Let Us All Send a Universal Prayer

To all our Brothers and Sisters in the realm of the Rising Sun...whose lives took a tragic turn as the Earth opened its snarling jaws and the Sea rose to suffocate...drowning out the infinite cries of a strong civilization...a modern day Atlantis
Man is just peasant on life much bigger then we could ever comprehend
We need to be mindful and respectful of forces much greater then our minds will ever be

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brooklynite Rocker Babe Molly

Says She is...
Willing to dive off the deep end
Soar off any Building Top
(with or without a helmet)
Laugh at my jokes
smile at my appreciation for silliness
Run on the beach...anytime of year
Take care of the mind, body and soul
and anyone else who needs it

Bite by bite
pedal to stem
and anything else...Yum

My ideas are for all to share
But one that is as old as
the human consciousness
that ever elusive quest
to find that power
to transform the Ordinary
into something

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Inevitability that comes with Experience

external vs intrinsic
Beauty fades as times moves on,
the most perfect of sights often rust beneath the sunshine of life
with each exploited moment
creases slowly fill once unblemished flesh
tone turns dulls....fading, lost
gravity takes hold...gripping
stretching that cloth that confines our soul
that is where our true beauty exist
in our hearts
in our spirit
and in our souls
Nothing sexier exists then that life
within our minds

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Let me Explain

That i Never truLy know

how much of what i say

is actually going to be true

PS they say that
you may not know
where you are headed 2
unless you know where
you came from

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How did you Spend your Saturday

      Would you look at that, this past Saturday our very beloved Elizabeth ("the white Medusa") misspoke at very non-opportune time and wound up in a choke hold, by not one...but 2two2 women.  Meet Arielle Splat...she outweighs Elizabeth by some Eighty80Eighty lbs. (thirty36six Kilograms).  Can you say Smoosh!  Then there was the very manly Jillian (I call her the Black Mamba) who choked out little Liz while smiling the whole time.
Better luck next time Champ.
Everybody loves a Winner

Monday, March 7, 2011


and the World laughs with you
snore and you sleep alone

-Anthony Burgess

Farther than at home...Where small experience grows

     Katherina, eldest daughter of Baptista Minola...Lord of Padua.  Katherina's temperamental, and often unpredictable mood induced behaviors (such as her notorious temper tantrums) leads her family to believe that no man would ever wish to marry Petruchio, sacrificial lamb to the appetites of the noble circles during the age of the enlighten European ways...he has been recruited to tame the impossible.  Her harsh words ring soft kindness true and through to Petruchio's heart with an unconscionable gentleness...nothing was, no food no clothing, ever was good enough for her in any conceivable way!
Can we at least agree?
Can we?  Is it?

Is the Sun, the Moon?
to call it a
Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me
Can Vincent be a transvestite?
Maybe, maybe not, but at least can we agree on one OR the other?
The story ends at a might be farce, but it can certainly symbolize human dynamics, specifically Gender relations!  The story, is just that a story...timeless, like so many other stories...yet i am so tickled to find it's parallels.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

An Ode to a Special Lady

She shares her heart with an entire world,
She's tall and slender with a smile that makes any angel sing,
When her spirit is tickled, she shares a subtle koo
She cares for her friends
From Karen and Rosemarie all the way to Ruthie
and everyone in between,
She loves her Father Creston and her mother Patricia,
even her brother Mathew and his family
his wife Lakeeva and his beautiful newborn son
She touches the heart and soul of many young children
and just as many adults
She is very special
and there is a lot of goodness to wish her
Be happy on whatever road you choose to take
with whom ever you wish to be with
Be yourself, be true to who you are
never compromise your principles, yet still evolve for the better
never make exceptions to your character, nor any apologies for yourself
Find your happiness and continue to share with the world

you truly believe
that my nutty demeanor
and unexplained
playful actions
are a Neg - a - +ive
rethink your stance
you just might be completely wrong

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Taste-Testers have a Difficult Job

What prevents us from attempting to set our fateful journeys?

To have a reverential awe of; to be afraid or apprehensive of; expect with alarm...being worried stressed, feeling bothered...

It is our fear of failure
Some experience it moreso then others
While a few understand to harness and suspend any interjecting control that their fear may bestow upon the ongoing situation...a select few lack any threat that they may ever fail...just go for it baby!
That is their moniker
 Why is it some people let their fears dictate their drive, their decisions?
Fear is a primal inner sensation meant to protect us from hazardous situations, yet why is it that we let it prevent us from experiencing life's potential joys?
Have fun, today
Do something out of a daredevil...add a little excitement into your life (today)
!Do something that you would not normally Do!

Charlie isn't afraid

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's like a FIGHT in my Mouth...everyone's invited

"Exercise is King....

Nutrition is Queen..

Marry the Two2twO
create a Kingdom"

-Jack LaLane
even in Death
your reputation still holds strong

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why is it

that you throw an On1on

with you head in the Sand

and your legs in the air?

Hasn't anyone ever told you to stop playing with your food?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It never Fails

It probably stems from our primal instinct of survival, follow the one who knows what to do...
Confidence Trumps 
and success...
ten times 10x out of 10x ten times
Therefore, expose that inner libido and project that onto the world around you...with an undeniable confirmation, with an irresistible, insatiable desire...the world thirsts for your attention
Where is your inner love?

PS always be Nice
be Kind
but always
be Confident