Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Dalai Lama

When asked....

"What surprises you MOST about Humanity?"

He answered....

Because he sacrifices his Health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
Then he is so anxious about the FUTURE...that he does not enjoy the present...
The Result...being,
He does not live in the present OR the future...
He lives as if is never going to die...
But, Dies having NEVER Lived!"

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How does it feel to be lonely?

Like a piece of you is missing...
and the rest of you is dying because of it

Like a flag whistling in the wind,
Without anyone noticing...
Or Caring.

A slave to a cause that never materializes...

I can hear the whispers, but never encounter the source.

Time and time again...surrounded by a million different people....
Yet, no one seems to know...
That sweet song I can sing...
Sometimes, I can't recognize the pain
It's a melody in my heart that cries...cleansing my soul
I shine with a freeness...that will never die!

I find who I am...and I will never be alone...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Sweet Submissive

I seduce her soul with my delicate touch...
Unnerving her very fabric with each sensual stroke...
My soft lips gently graze her body...leaving light traces of their path....
I read her speaks volumes to me...her thoughts scream at me...torn between logic and desire...infused with a vengeful unforgiving lust...her will bends to my gravity...delightfully enticed by my warm feel....
Mesmerized by my allure, She can not implore no less
Without forgiveness, Without apologies...I gaze into her eyes...they can never lie...speak to me bedazzled one...share your secrets, speak your truth...spare no detail...let me hear your heart sing...
And, her heart sang me this lullaby...
“The kiss. Oh, the kiss. What a perfect, unnerving, luscious kiss. Makes me feel vulnerable, unhinging my entire existence . . . Completely taking me apart, piece by piece...and putting me back together again and again.”
She melts in my grasp...liquid passion on its fiercest pulse...
Her soul tries to crawl...
Inside my world...and forever shield her core...bare her essence...
She is my prisoner
She is my sweet lovely Submissive

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

An Ill Fated Mirage

My lovely Dark Temptress...My Ravishing Godless Queen,

Cunning like the fiercest DareDevil...
You dwell, deep within a shaded void...
A dimensionless Abyss

Your predatory hone in on your prey

Lurking with a grace,
Fluid in your dance....
You toy with your victims...
Until your voracious clock sparks...
An impulsive wave surges forth...

Consuming the hunted
Often leaving just traces of a few bones...
Erasing the old...rewriting in New

Chained in a unleash an appetite that engulfs this world
and the Next
You swallow whole,
Legions of Men
Armies of Mercenaries...

Leaving only figments of their souls
You ravish a starving beast...

Bestowed by an insatiable hunger...
The Keenest of Instincts,
Intimidating a harsh society...with an unforgiving struggle,

A fight with no winner, nor any resolution

You shed your sweat, your tears...your blood
Shaded in black velvet
You share your life...your very spirit
Bright as any star...

You are my Angel
Without conscious
Without mercy
Without connection
Without consequence

This world stops...Still
Time and space...cease to exist

Bridge...Purging the past like a lost memory
Storming like a Tornado...
In a Ravenous Frenzy,
By a lost destiny
and unattained desire

The Horizon is lit...
Out emerges a Devil
Dressed in collected souls...
Bathed by their very blood

In a time in which heaven and hell
Have become the same in one...

There you stand
Satisfied with not conclusion
Mesmerized by that flight
Through a journey
That had no end...

My Godless Queen

10 Ways that someone KNOWS that you LOVE them

Proverbs 18
Listen without interrupting

James 1:19
Speak.....without accusing

Proverbs 21:26
Always give, Always share...without ever sparing

Colossians 1:9
Pray....without ceasing

Proverbs 17:1
Answer...but, never include an Argument 

Ephesians 4:15
Participate...without Pretending

Philippians 2:14
Enjoy and appreciate...but don't complain

Corinthians 3:17
Trust without Wavering

Colossians 3:13
Forgive without Punishing

Proverbs 13:12
Promise without Forgetting

Monday, February 18, 2013

What is 'IT'?

'It' is so individual...
Even subjective...
Are my opinions 'it' worthy?
Does IT have consequences?  Come with conditions?  Hold reservations?  Require maintenance?  Any prejudices?  Limitations?
What is the deal with 'It'?

If I go for 'it'...and catch 'it', can I keep 'it'?
Will 'it' ever end?  Run away?  Hide?  Diminish?  Disappear?  Explode?  Implode?  Rust?  Melt?  Does 'IT' ever hurt?  Burn?  Require surgery?
Involve doctors, lawyers or judges?


What do I get out 'it'?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

THIS Beautiful World

Etched in time
By fire, earth, wind and water

to warmth
to walk
to breathe
to swim

Living in green
Spotted from the sky
Blue or Black
With a sun, moon or any star...
By demons 
Placated by angels

Pawns in game
That we do not know the rules for
Holes on the Canyon walls
Hymns in a song
Floating in the oceans
Smoke in the air
We glide through time and space
Leaving faded memories
That distort with Age

Golden in My Heart
Shrouded in Mystery

not the

Embrace this beautiful world

Standstill Time

Like candles draped along the brim of my hat...
Lit, dim into the evening air...
Fleeting shadows decorate the yellow walls...
Faintly mimicking my every motion...
You're ALL Liars!!!!

Their dance is daunting
Their expressions are faceless
Their intentions are ambiguous
Abstract to the untrained eye

Which lays blinded by the dark
Confused by the spaceless void
We call life
I cringe by unknown sounds
I flinch with all sudden movements

Like an owl, perched out on a tree
Watching me,
My predator...Waits
In those shadows...

They'll come a moment
Complacency secures it's place
And Out I Come
To Play
In the dark...

I pray
That I am no prey
I hold still

Here comes my Devil
My time has come
Up and away
Good bye

What is Today?

U n I mag IN a tive,
Entirely Arbitrary,




Happy Valentine's Day

'I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it'

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Care for ride? Hop on anytime!

Well let me tell you about my glorious morning beginnings...
It takes me 12 minutes from door to door at a quarter to five in the morning (to drive from home to Work)...assuming I hold true to form and exceed my traveling speed beyond the posted suggested speed limit....Also, assuming that my stoppages for other motorists/traffic or red lights is minimal (to nonexistent)...and, assuming that there are no down trees or deer rampaging towards my vehicle (twice they have tried to take me out...twice my advance driving skills had averted collision that the common driver would most likely be unable to navigate away from and avoid).

***side warning***
If you suffer from nervousness or anxiety
If you are on heart or blood pressure medication
If you have a family/personal history of strokes and/or seizures
If you are a rule follower
If you do not deal well with near death experiences
If you panic...easily or needlessly
If bungee jumping, sky diving, surfing, Scuba Diving, bull riding, spelunking, crocodile Wrestling or Piñata swinging...if they are not for you
(listen closely)
Then driving with me might pose some detrimental emotional outbursts!

Sure, I have met some bumps and bruises along the way.
Yes, I have had certain issues with sustaining the same company to insure my automobiles....
But in the End, it was apart of my growing process as a sensible (albeit dramatic) and responsible roadway automotive participant.
Just yesterday, I stopped and HELPED a vehicle driver in clear distress...when everyone else just stopped and watched.
I am not asking for hero status, as I am hoping not to be viewed through venomous eyes for past instances and transgressions that ultimately led others to be reserved with accepting boarding passes aboard my vehicles.
My mind thinks/reacts extremely fast...I almost feel mentally stagnant driving with passive tendencies.  My driving reaction skills have net me many comments...but this fact still remains intact...every journey had safely brought my passengers to their desired destinations.
Effect Driving comes better to some (fact).
It feels natural for me to vroom and zoom...when everyone else I feel is lackadaisical and unmindful of their environment.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Self Corrective Righteousness

If I begged this world a death,
A hundred hopes of dread...
Would my faith be held,
In hands of Greed and blasphemy...
Spoken with fables from the naked eyes,
Of hopeful misdirected lies...
I die softly, in lonely arms
Side by side with fools and idiots
Over and over....A thousand times...


Here we are,
With all these wonderful and beautiful dishonest words...
Believe me
Believe in Me
I won't lie...

Let my truth die,
Believe Me
Believe in Me
I am no perjure...I am no Liar
Me in belief...I won't lie...

Virtue. Morals. Ethics.
Plain and simple...
I won't lie...

Even when I know you will


because I will always believe in you

Wisdom of Time

With a clear mind and sound consciousness, 
sitting still on it's surface...yet, rabidly rippling waters by a playful soul
Crashing ever so delicately on A Serene coast
Smitten by an elusive darkness, that has charmingly beguiled the senses
Surrounded by a Summer's bloom, bloodied by colors of
Yellow, Red, White and Purple
Like pearls vastly scattered within the valley
Searching a thankless hunt
A breeze, ever so softly...occasionally flows past...cooling the path
With a prevailing and distinct freshness

Memories strike
Like a random touch
From A LostSoul 

A calm and lonely beauty lurks unprovoked
In this pitch black darkness...
Lurking with a tremble
Slouching with false bravado

Youth fears
...but it's 
Age that grows weary with bitterness

A familiar loneliness overtakes finicky moods's at this point
Overlooking its edge
Peering into the mouth of an abyss
Profoundly finding the faith
That fates This path
With an innocence of giving more then taking
This is the point
In which
A full surrender...yields a blessed return

Thursday, February 7, 2013


To my gorgeous vixen...

With your silky Casper like complexion contrasted with your bedazzling dark eyes
Your thoughts gleam with an affluence in taste and sophistication
Cryptically Summoning all the lands strong men, whom willfully surrender to an irresistible Siren's incandescent call...A teasing melody that mesmerizes with its harmonic lullaby
Defying logic, sense and reason
Falling mercifully prisoner to your words...

Wielding ways that overwhelm with a wayward direction of insurmountable raw velocity in a fate no roll will ever amend...
It's here, in the now...
Where your strength is immortal
And your soul shimmers in an infinite Lucid blaze of passion and devotion...
With an unparalleled affection
That destroys all those stuck in its purgatory...
A fierce rapture where pain is comforted by delight

I feel your fire...burning beyond any logical description could ever capture...

My Gypsy Queen

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Chance that gathers will only scatter

Inspiration is...
From fear...
Free of drama and controversy
Free to fault in failure

Inspiration comes in many ways...
But one thing is certain
One can not see or touch it....but rather one must be open to to feel it

Inspiration haunts the darkness with an immortal light
That holds no judgements...creating an effort that NEVER precludes one...soaring beyond all obstacles
Holding hope near and if its an infinite dream
Fueled with your focused joy...
Warm thoughts glow and thaw through the driest freeze

Internal achievements control our outward reality...
Your thoughts build worlds!