Tuesday, April 26, 2016

i spoke with time to understand life

and I found an unexplained cycle of a vacuum vortex
that held no boundaries or limits
but I can say this

Time is my only companion that has never left my side
....Traveling with me on each and every journey that I have ever taken
Time reminds me how valuable every moment of my day is
...repeating to me how passing moments stay fixed in my past
Time tells me, time and time again
how the past does not matter as much as
The Significance of my next step 
Time has a mirror that reflects what's behind
yet my gaze shall stay transfixed as to what lies beyond...
That is what I have yet to determine
I can make of my path as I wish

My time,
my path
my life
It's how I see things, it's how I perceive this...it's how I will do that
this (that) and all things!

What is time if it were not for your watch and calendar?
Does time keep track of time?
Why should we then?

Understand time, and many of life's mysteries will seem less mysterious...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Can Caucasian Women Find Asian Men Attractive?

Well....its always a bit dumb to collectively categorize a demographic as generally liking or disliking one specific thing.  After all, we all have our own specific and unique tastes.
For example, I like super cool smarties who have a flare for taking things to the edge.
If they jump off, well that just makes them stupid...and eliminates them from my field of view...and, if I can't/don't see someone...well, then they don't exist.  Kind of like Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or the Easter Bunny...but I do believe in unicorns!


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Talk with George, Frankie Fantastic (aka Vince), Weiner-Loving-Kevin and Deb the Destroyer

Let me get this, that and everything else straight as a bell with whistles...but, did my five thirty ay em cancel?  I don't understand why anyone would be...so...disrespectful to their health?  What does this mean?  I don't understand it!?  Can you explain the why? would? anyone be like that? thing to me???  Maybe I am too mindful to just follow through with the commitments that I make...why are some people not dependable like that?  I struggle with this faulty fuzzy logic.  When I make a commitment, I make bones sculpting out the necessary road to finish my mission of health preservation!  Why can't keeping our commitments be like Donald Trump's hair piece...and just there (or here, even somewhere)?  But, all in all, just exist...and then we can discuss the gravity and reality of what really does exist, with or without mindful perception.  My goodness gracious godliness...with all this world's cleanliness...for the life of me, from a scale of zero to nine, can I wrap this bow tie around my neck!  The quandaries of life hold so many fabulous questions that we need to examine and explore...like Mozart traveling on the Santa Maria, let me discover the land from Iceland to Nova Scotia...and dock my Mayflower on Plymouth Rock...and invite all my missing relatives from Roanoke.  I did call this faulty, I did call this fuzzy...but most importantly, I called it logic...and it belongs to me, because it's mine.  What really is mine?  Since I don't believe in the true ownership of intangible materials...I own nothing more than my brain and the energy that feeds it...some people call it a soul.  Call it what you may, but...it's still and will always be mine...with or without me! Got it?  Good, put that in your vault and seal it.  Boo ya, see ya...now you can use The Google to find me what this all means to the eighty or so countries that use the google to find things that are googable.  I long for those days googling someone was so mysterious, like Zorro's mustache beneath the mask of hazel-ish green eyes.  I doubt that anyone would ring that mission bell, unless it has a Liberty crack from all the Quakers and loving brothers...even during all their inglorious unruliness...can all these patriots unite and unionize like true capital venturist.  With a road this crooked, everything seems to go in a full circle...over and over and over again.  Just like time, with mirrors and no make up...during that morning after.
Just fabulous darling, sparkle that smile and perk up those ears...it's a long road to somewhere...and you're the passenger.

Good Luck

You thought that this
Well, now it is

Monday, April 18, 2016

Cello Concerto by Dvorak

nothing, in my mind, beats a cool tune centered around a deep resonating cello....

but be mindful!

once I leave a hot room, I feel the chill of the coolness I find outside it.
yet, when I re-enter the hot room, I feel overwhelmed by its heat.
it's not that the room has changed, it's me adopting to change.
the inevitable fate of progression.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

A Good Listener

The fact remains that,
the BIGGEST communication problem is
that we do not listen in order to understand...

We Listen in order to reply!

I have said Time and Time again,
That it's more important to be understanding than understood...
A lot of our world problems have solutions if we learn to be more understanding and compassionate.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Less is More, and Nothing is for Free

JJ-Babinska Ayatollah Awesome-in gratis
Look at that, you Rhyme with goddess
Oh my goodness gracious
Mucho gracias
The Melissa McCarthy lip sync is hysterical.  That girl has got rhythm.   Did you know that she's Jenny McCarthy's cousin?  
I am more or less...but much much more than less....somewhere between here and there, but much further from...yet not exclusive to...high morals and low grounds.  I have been to where the sun don't shine, and I just don't like it there.  I have swam in an ocean and in a sea.  I have flown to or driven from places that have coordinates but no numbers.  I have dug holes only to find nothing.  Sometimes finding nothing is better than finding.  I have started fires that have bonded, as well as, bond fires that turned disruptive.  I have been cursed and blessed, I have done my fair share of cursing and blessing...without any warning and no corresponding required fare.  I don't believe in most things that I can't see or prove, but I would blindly bite (thyself) into food that I don't know.  I get yelled at for things that I have not done, and I often get ignored for everything I do do...time and time again.  I liked a girl who liked another boy, but the boy never liked her...and I think that the boy hated that someone did.  I have been liked by girls that have grown to hate me, and I have grown to accept and regret it.  I get lost at every turn, considering that I am constantly turning...I still manage to find my way.  I keep on hearing that there is a God who goes by many names, and is constantly watching and listening to everything we say and do...yet manages to let us do and say as we please, without any inherent or obvious guidance in advice or direction.  It's also said that there is a hell for all non-believers, I say there is a hell for everyone that believes.  I say that our perception becomes our reality on this floating rock of perpetual paradise out to nothing from something.  I have skin, but I can (not) see the air around it.  I have eyes that only see what they want.  I have a mind that can only process what I allow it to.  My legs take me where my minds wants them to, regardless of what or where my heart desires.  My mind can't live without my heart.  This, in itself proves that this paradigm only works if we disregard fairness and accept circumstance.  Boats float and planes glide, my mind goes both...yet neither boat nor plane exist without my mind.  I bit into a slice of the pie only to spit it out to find that my heart had died and my blessed mind convinced my body that it could float and then glide beyond this paradox we call life...only to find that reality often bites those that preach to or from choirs.  
I find that those that need choirs or high chairs often need to be in charge otherwise their complaints go from their lawyers to my better judgement...even if I get asked to tag a turtle, which shouldn't be that difficult since they move at my pace...which is cool, calm and collected slower than slow.
Maybe we should just win the contest and hope for the best, kind of like sweating when it's cold and pretending that when one glistens it's no longer cold. Cold or not, it's still something....which is much more than nothing!

In the end, this is just some puppet show
Whether we want to believe or not
Our Egos blind our paths
and often, we are too proud or arrogant to see who pulls our strings
But I assure you those string pullers
Want US to feel empowered and distracted