Sunday, March 6, 2011

An Ode to a Special Lady

She shares her heart with an entire world,
She's tall and slender with a smile that makes any angel sing,
When her spirit is tickled, she shares a subtle koo
She cares for her friends
From Karen and Rosemarie all the way to Ruthie
and everyone in between,
She loves her Father Creston and her mother Patricia,
even her brother Mathew and his family
his wife Lakeeva and his beautiful newborn son
She touches the heart and soul of many young children
and just as many adults
She is very special
and there is a lot of goodness to wish her
Be happy on whatever road you choose to take
with whom ever you wish to be with
Be yourself, be true to who you are
never compromise your principles, yet still evolve for the better
never make exceptions to your character, nor any apologies for yourself
Find your happiness and continue to share with the world

you truly believe
that my nutty demeanor
and unexplained
playful actions
are a Neg - a - +ive
rethink your stance
you just might be completely wrong

1 comment:

  1. In correspondence with another conjecture with this theme at hand
    She, much like Kathryn shuts down nd runs when threatened...

    My response what she wrote...

    I really wish that I can share your entry with the last woman I dated (Kathryn). She just shut me out one day thinking she knew all the answers...
    When in fact, she never even knew of what the questions would be of???
    My character has strength...coupled with my depth of patience
    and I have yet to "give up" on her...and I know she would want nothing more...
    She does not realize how lucky she is to find someone not willing to give up on her as has everyone she has ever met before in her life!!!
    Just for the record, the words give up...just don't exist in my mentality...they just don't
    With all that said, I happen to be an extremely reasonable man...and if he invested in a small face to face discussion with me and show me, that yes we should not be together...
    Of course I trust in logical reason...
    She can't run from life, much like her cowardly like nature promotes
