Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Mixing It Up With Miranda

Forgive me father for I have sinned,

I must confess, completely and utterly without doubt or hesitation absolutely confess...I do not recall you getting snippy or overreacting in any negative manner towards moi.
I am confused, positively consumed in a debilitating (ok, maybe I may be over exaggerating a tad) chaotic confusion....
But all in all, it's true like Rudolph and Frosty in the hearts of so many...I have no idea what you are referencing.
Is it a good or bad thing that I don't know what you mean?  Inquiring minds aren't waiting, they are pondering.
Maybe you intended to get snippy and you got sidetracked?  Maybe the messaged got lost in transit?  Perhaps Santa caught it just in time?  I suppose anything could have happened.
The last thing you sent me said how was it that I could I be handsome And wise.
Now, correct me if I am wrong
(I always welcome all forms of input, opinions, perspective, criticism, debates or discussions...I can't help it it's the whole Greek philosopher in me)
But handsome is good...as is wisdom.
I also recall you feeling stressed from your disgruntled watchdog neighbor...and I did what I could to assuage your feelings through reason, comfort, peace and understanding.
I don't know what else to say...other than that I am happy to learn of your resolution!
(That's really good too).
One other question my lovely dear...what words were you looking for?
Like I have already mentioned...I am elated to learn of your resolution.
Well, now that we have that covered like a present with a bow around it....!
How ar' thee finest of fine, sweeter than sweetest, adoringly precious....always so special lady that dominates my essence like none other?

Miranda Lambert


1 comment:

  1. My Darling Poet.... Any words shared regarding a green eyed fox and eternal paradise always make me ***glow****
