Thursday, November 16, 2017

Space Mountain

Happy Thursday, otherwise known as thirsty Thursday!
And who isn't Thursday?  Possibly The Nature Boy...
I almost gave you'll a prank call yesterday.  Oh so close.
Do you even like prank calls?  Who doesn't enjoy an occasional change of pace type of day?  I'll give 10,000 reasons why change can be very good.
So, you are wondering how this gets done?
I have been convincing my coworkers to place prank calls for me for years.
I know, how silly.
But they're fun.
You see, nobody expects to receive a prank call from an adult.
That's why they work.
The element of surprise.
Well, now....there isn't much of a surprise, is there if I prank call there, I said.
I guess you can pretend to be tricked and/or surprised.  You can play along.
I'm such a scutch.
I feel bloated this week, too much salt.  It was the teriyaki in the meatballs and the pesto with the orzo.  Are you an orzo fan?
I know, orzo rhymes with bozo...another buzz word for a scutch.
But it was, oh so good.
Yummy yum yum...tada, my bowl is empty and I'm going for seconds yummy.
You know the type.
Always trying to heist an extra calorie here or there.
It's why I hound and scold my clients.
And they ultimately pay me back with blood, sweat and tears.
So, without much to do...tell me, how are things in your time zone?

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