Wednesday, April 11, 2018

You Won't Know Until You Find Out

Help!  My Wife thinks that we are going through a divorce...
Oh,'s far more severe than that my darling little're going through menopause.
Oh dear, it gets worse.   It can last for up to fifteen more years.
That's like possibly another three or four presidents.  That's a long time, and lulu does luv a long be miserable and crazy.
Menopause truly affects all women differently, hence no two women are equally or predictably affected.  So, it's no given things can go haywire.  For those that coast through lucky ducks!
All men who are around middle aged women know firsthand how quickly and intensely things can and will spiral out of hormonal control.
It's analogous to being shipwrecked on a volcanic island with a tsunami heading right for you.
It's kinda like that except the menopause thing is really happening and no theoretical situation can take you out of it.
Yeah, doesn't that sound great.
Well...the best advice I can give to all shipwrecked sailors is that it's not just got caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.  As a matter of fact, if it weren't you it would be somebody else.
In due time, all this will come to pass and all marooned Mariners eventually find their way to the mainland.  It took Tom Hanks over four years with Wilson to find his way back home.  If he can do it, so can we.
It's a matter of learning to go with the flow, otherwise the rough waters will swallow up any and all lost and confused seafarers.
Learn the currents, pay attention to the winds.  Look skyward.
Red sky in the morning, sailors take Warning.
Red sky at night, sailors delight.
With all said, let's not all forget how the other side might feel.  Compassion and empathy for the hectic frenzy of the unreasonable chaos brought on by that nasty endagenous chemical transformation.

The really good news is, once it's's over! Thanks God.
FYI, Sigmund Freud prescribed hysterectomies for menopausal women in order to help them cope with their hysteria.  Just saying...
The craziest part of all this, I'm not even married.

For your further enjoyment.
Men's Guide to Menopause posted by AARP

10 Tibits that you May Not Know About Menopause

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