Saturday, August 31, 2019

LIFE happens

I have no choice, I am going to be dead one day whether I like it or not.  It's my inevitable end in the cycle of life.
I accept my fate, and I will try to live up to my fullest 
until when that moment comes 
in which 
I cease to 
So, what's it here for me or am I here for it...?

Life is here, I am fortunate enough to be allowed to explore it.
Life is a series of lessons intended for me to experience.
Life is timeless, permanent and immortal, without a master...yet I am it's slave.
Life grows, always...
Life changes, all the time for everyone and everything.
Life holds no virtues or morals, nor does it ever apologize.
Life is for the strong, weak...and those all those in between.
Life has no rules, other than survival of the fittest.
Life exists in cycles. Dark or bright, awakened or hibernating.  With constant chaos and mindful randomness.
Life reaches everywhere.
Life does not judge, nor does it discriminate...but also seems to be unequal and unfair.
Life gives all a chance to make the most of what we can.
Life is the only priceless gift we all are given, and our mindset determines how respectful we are of it and with it.
In Life we chose to be who and what we are, that's the power of free will...just sometimes we choose to surrender it and pretend to be victimized by circumstance.
I can't buy a thought (or maybe I could), but I certainly can create one...and that's the beauty of life.
I'm lucky enough to be here and now, so are you.
I'm lucky enough to share with you, everything that I offer to divulge.
I'm lucky and cursed enough to know that life isn't here forever for me, because it is infinite and eternal...unlike me, but I still have my will and sense of being...and know one will ever take that away from me, unless I allow it.

From time to time, I think of all the ifs, ands or buts....and I realize
This isn't too bad because it could always be worse.
Here is where I find my gratitude, the greatest thing I can give back to life.

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