Friday, October 30, 2020

Do I Really

 I'm in a funny spot, as we speak.

(aren't we all)

Sometimes, I want to finish the fight and reap all the gifts life wants to bring into my path...and they are grand, countless and seemingly priceless.

Other times, I feel like just getting to my car and disappearing into another identity and All.

I have no reason to complain, because i have already been gifted a lot more than what most people can ever dream of.  But, it's not who "I" feel that I am meant to be.

Safety with certainty vs alternate life of unknowns.

Most will argue that safe equals smart.

Yesterday, I had hoped...really, really hoped for a defining moment of timing in my life to help support this walk that we all have to endure.  I needed luck, and luck did not find me.

Now, i find myself frustrated with disappointment.  What should be is not happening, and i am getting fed up with the Greed and nonsense that plagues this world.




if only the world was flat

if only this world was governed through fairness

if only good comes to us all


We are challenged to the brink of destruction, and then the world takes a step back and watches how we cope with our troubles.  It's in darkness that our shine helps us see.

Which brings,

This, My...OUR world being this spinning rock hurling through this vacuum that we call space...

Ruled by those who know survival at all cost, by any means necessary.

Good, Bad, Ugly and indifferent....

You either adapt to survive or be feasted upon by the hungry vultures surrounding us all.

s o

We make a God

Because we fear an end that we call death

and Because we need a sense of order amongst all this chaos

We conform because we have safety in numbers

why are we here?

To survive and protect our breed...ensuring the next generation takes the next step.

h a r s h

No One Pretends to care, because its about winning at all costs.  You need to protect yourself first and foremost

What If Enlightenment to a Higher Conscious were to become our End Game?

I boast a reality that I can Only See, and I do what I can to Share

because we all are here to screw it up, so we can then figure it all out

some of us get it, some of us can't

some of us might, some of us almost

while the rest have no shot other than to just be

good, bad, ugly or indifferent

My two cents of a rant that just happened to be

just like we all are now, being

Just or Not

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