Friday, April 8, 2011

Lets Pretend...

Read the question posed to me tonight...
My heavy breathe motored by my mind's eye just completely immersed itself onto a whole separate plane that only thoughts exist!

Lets pretend you have to make a choice:

a.Relax and casual
b. Sassy and full of energy.
c. Classy and elegant.

Which will I choose...

Let me, let you all in on my dirty little secret...

    I do love pretend.  When you pretend, you can experience any given moment.  Pretend is powerful, it will convince you to believe.  Back to your "pretend" question...I have one choice (why only one?  Sometimes my moods are different, should that not allow me more then just one option?).  Also.. i am choosing for whom and for what purpose?  Am I selecting a night out?  Clothes to wear?  A book to read or movie to watch?  Or are you referencing a personal female counterpart?  This question can have many let me start here (which is still somewhere)!!!
My nights out:  I prefer them to be quiet, calm, relaxed and casual.
The clothes I wear (to where though?):  I prefer to be fashionable, yet still unique to my personality...i like to look good when i dress myself out.  Its a sign of respect to my host and company.
The books and movies i select to entertain me:  They have to be interesting (usually, unless I am in the mood for something light and fluffy...simple entertainment).  The more intelligence and thought provocation behind the story, the more interested i become.
My women...i like my women many different ways.  I respect class.  Elegance flows with an undefined delicate finesse.  Sassy catches my eye...just grabs and yells for attention...sassy is loud and colorful, bright with cries through an endless abyss of energy waiting to sprout roots through your very core.  Relaxed women are confident, that is always very attractive...casual women ooze a sexy calm that will absolutely ride any boat through my storm...
But a brilliant woman, will always dazzle my attention...nothing is sexier then scholarly wit!
Women offer many gifts, and i seem to appreciate them all!
All in all for the most part i like them caliente and picante!

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