Friday, July 1, 2016

love Supercedes fear

I can't hold fear as my dominating form of inspiration
No! No! No!
I just will not do it...
Instead, I focus on how a solution needs to find its home....irrelevent of consequence
Resolution WILL always happen
with or without our consent
Time always moves forward
Combine the two and stop worrying of WHAT happens in the "in between"
When I have a problem
I calmly step back and think
In time, it will come to pass
Let me do the best that I can and hope for the best to come
(Although LUCK does favor the prepared)
Before I know it
A half century will pass
My hair will grey
And half of the people that I know will leave
The other half will be on borrowed time
But I won't stress about that
Time isn't a problem, if I Don't make it one

to those that want to be in the "know"

Listen here Ms Joanne Webb, every problem that I have ever had in life...(and I have had many moments of chaos and/or crisis)...I have stepped back and told myself in due imminent time, things will come to a pass and everyone will move on regardless of my action/decision...Finding myself released of any stress or tension that this chaotic crisis might have created.
This thought process calms me, grounds me and it re-energizes me.  I feel focused to the tenth degree when I realiz(s)e that time solves my issue of deadline...and my world will not somehow implode at the endpoint of whatever is my chaos or crisis.
It's like riding a wave to shore
I catch it with my focus and ride it with my skill
At all points
I am fully calm and focused
Ohm to those that get it

Don't sweat the little things
It's the big ones that often get us

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