Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Art of Consumerism

I blinked twice and allowed my eyesight to fade within the fog that surrounded me...
There resided a community of wanderers....
Drawn to the gold that shimmered on the periphery of the omnipotent cloud that shrouds our world.
Mesmerized by its bountiful luster, charmed by its incandenct shine...
Bedazzled and spellbound.
Like a herd,
mindlessly munching on a pasture at Walmart, Costco, KMart or Target...or some other variant place no different
Gentle, hypnotic music plays in the background.
Bright yellow Colors reminding us of comfort and gold...
s p e n d
s  p  e  n  d
bend and spend
More, more and more

"Materialism is a value system that is preoccupied with possessions and the social image they 'project'....
is both socially destructive and self-destructive. It smashes the happiness and peace of mind of those who succumb to it. It's associated with anxiety, depression and broken relationships."

By someone grateful who is not materialistic.

"Nothing in this Wicked World is permanent, not even our troubles."

by Charlie Chaplin

In my panic
I snapped my senses with two slaps
Spilling from my hand a tonic and gin...
Realizing, this is not my road...
I dug a hole
Threw my wood
Lit a match
Watched it all burn
Ah...that smokey smell of a bond fire....
The crispy sound of it stoking
The warmth that circulates around it
Tasting that all encompassing smolder from my burning flame...

and as quick as my dream started, it faded into a lost memory
I woke up back on the bus
Watching all the mindless drones sitting beside me
I wonder if they too think this...
If they realize the reality of their bus taking us to shop?

never let the 'things' you want,
make you forget of the 'things' you already  have...
by the way, life's best 'things'...are NOT things at all!

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