Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bound Together In Forgiveness

     Every relationship, no matter how successful and strong, will have a fair amount of conflict.  Bar none!  A relationship without conflict is similar to surfing without waves...just coasting along.  Just as an aside a conflict does not have to be this grandiose event, it could be subtle...real subtle...even unnoticed to some.  Its OK to fight with someone you love and care for, it comes with the territory when dealing with evolving entities...that is exactly what a relationship is.  An evolving Entity...almost amorphic in nature...yet potentially supple and firm in an unyielding spirit with a cohesive and resilient soul
     In times of dissension, there are certain strategies that will help you along and hopefully resolve the discord.  Start with your approach...be mindful and respectful of the other individual's emotions.  By showing aggression through disrespect, you are all but assure to fuel the hostility and elongating the confrontation.  Focus on the problem and avoid personalizing the situation.  Not everything is always about you (in the eyes of others...remember this fact).  Avoiding supplementing and compounding the argument by adding "other" points of irritation...stay on point.  If things get out of hand...take..A...B r e a k.  Meet back when tempers simmer down.  Exercise and activity is a sure way exorcise the anger demon.  When you reconvene, make a real effort to understand the other person's perspective...this means listening (even if you are deaf...make the effort).  We all want to feel as if someone's paying attention to our thoughts, concerns, and opinions...right?  Somebody?  Yes?  Anywhere, somewhere?  Germany?  Malaysia????  (i get that as a text sometimes ?)?  As clever as you might feel, you will never read somebody else's mind...even if you are Cris Angel (he's a Greek guy from Massapequa...as Jerry Seinfeld once said "that is Indian for the Mall").  All this name dropping today (helps my daily Hits).  Assuming you know someones thought process and emotional state is very dangerous and the current problem will erupt into a much larger issue (because your partner will feel as if you aren't paying attention...listening perhaps)...because minds can change, even mid argument...hello..here
I'm over here...
Actually seeing the argument from your partners perspective will put you in the best position to resolve the dilemma.  Corroborating with your partner on their emotions (not necessarily agreeing to them...but rather understanding their point) and acknowledging their standpoint...you create the possibility of getting your argument recognized and accepted...making it a willing situation for resolution (i love that word).  Now, work twogether...that means no one else gets involve...involving new people to an old argument may cause a new ImBaLanCe...re-igniting the conflict.  Together, alone...what sacrifices each of you will make to resolve this?  I'm Listening...come on say it.."I WILL..."  do what?  You get the point, now forgive each other, accept one another...it is very important to feel forgiven.

PS The Disagreement Belongs to Both of You

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