Sunday, May 1, 2011

"The Separation of the Spirit Body"

     The "practice" has been documented as far back as biblical times...spanning in belief through ancient Egypt, China, India, Japan, the Amazon and even amongst the Inuits...up until modern western thinking times.  What I am bringing to your attention is the belief of the consciousness' or soul's journey (or ascent) generating the ability to experience an out of body spiritual travel...whereby the mind separates from the physical body and enters a higher or distance realm (or plane)...some will even claim this to be a result of some form of a spiritual practice.  It is known as Astral Projection, and it is a tool that individuals that hold a deep understanding of their conscious and unconscious functioning mind...and under a meditative state can dissociate the mind and body.  Interesting theory with hope and faith holding its only validity...have you seen or experienced anything curious worth pondering?  I may have on occasion, but who would believe me if they don't experience it with me?

there is very little evidence to support the idea
that people can actually "leave the body"

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