Monday, June 2, 2014

100 Questions, 100 Answers

All answers are All one hundred % percent True....and all about yours truly
And if you're reading must really want to know....
So, you want to get to know me...
Why not, I'm a cool cat.

1. Name? Starts with K (and don't you forget that!)

2. Male or Female? Shield and Sword

3. Were you named after anyone? Yes, my paternal grandfather.

4. Does your name mean anything? In a parallel universe, it means chewing gum and kicking arse.

5. Nicknames? Dean, Deano, Dauber, Dean Delicious....just to name a few.

6. What do you think you look like name wise? How about Leonides.

7. D.O.B? (Once upon a time) My birthday would fall around the weekend of the Super Bowl, well up until about a decade it's in February (it still bothers me that the game has been switched...I feel gypped!).

8. Place of birth and current location: for all intents and purposes, lets say New York

9. Nationality: Greek Blood, U.S.A passport

10. Astrology sign: Winter Air Sign.

11. Chinese astrology sign: I'm a Cat.

12. Religion: I would most accurately describe my religious affiliations as Spiritual, NOT Religious...thank you for not believing.

13. What is your favorite smell? Love the scent of Spring.  Especially in the sunny cool morning.

14. Political position? Politicians are crooks in the pockets of those that can afford them.  We need to start to tar and feather these greed infested viruses of humanity.

15. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Tea.  With a little lemon and honey.

16. Hair color + eye color: brown hair, brown to hazel eye color.

17. Do you look like anyone famous? When I was younger, I had a faint resemblance to some guy named Antonio Banderas.  

18. What do you look like? As if I would be highly efficient in moving heavy furniture.

19. Any unusual talents? Unusual, no.  Talents, sure....I got a couple.

20. Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? Right.

21. Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? Straight.

22. What do you do for a living? I was hoping to answer Left.  I work for hot housewives and old retired guys.

23. What do you do for fun? Exercise, read, haunt EP.  I also love my Blog!  Nearing fifty thousand readers in over eighty countries.  Here is my Link:

24. What are your favorite art materials to work with? I build my art with words.

25.What kind of materials would you like to work with? My iPad works fine.

26. Have you met your grandparents? All of them, plus two great grandparents.

27. Boyfriend /Girlfriend: I have a few girlfriends.

28. Crush: Maybe.

29. What celebrity would you date if you could? I bet Sarah Silverman would be fun and crazy....but I am so, not paparazzi would be tremendously disastrous.

30. Current worries? Current curiosities more so than worries.  When will my time in NY be up.

31. Favorite online Guy/Girl: She knows.

32. Favorite place to be? Quiet woods by a lake.

33. Least favorite place to be? Traffic jams.

34. Do you burn or tan? I am Greek, I can tan...I just don't go out to meet the sun.

35. Ever break a bone? Maybe when I got hit by a pick up truck (I never bothered going to get an X-Ray, so I don't know).

36. What is your favorite cereal? I prefer other foods (I like foods that feel filling).

37. Person you cry with? I don't cry.

38. Any sisters? Yes! One, super special awesome hounding kind.

39. Any brothers? Never had the pleasure.

40. Any pets? Not at the moment, but I would love to have a cat.

41. An Illness? I have awesome health.

42. A Pager? What's this question?  Circa 1993?

43. A Personal phone line? No ground phones, other than work.

44. A Cell phone? My cell is an old school flip phone.

45. A visible birthmark? Nope.

46. A Pool or hot tub? Hot tub, so much better when in company of someone worth the intimacy.

47. A Car? Looking to upgrade.

48. Personality: A conundrum.

49. Driving: Fast, aggressive and efficient.

50. Your clothing style: eye catchy when not at work.

51. Room: For improvement?

52. What's missing? Security.

53. School: Alma Mater SUNY Stony Brook.

54. Bed: need a new one.

55. Relationship with your parent(s)? I am distance and withdrawn, shame on me (welcome to my world).

56. Do you believe in yourself? A little too much.

57. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope.

58. Consider yourself a good listener? I can be.

59. Have a future dream that you would like to share? I want to own a vineyard.

60. Get along with your parents? I get along with just about everyone.

61. Save your e-mail conversations? I'm not too sentimental.

62. Pray? Seemingly at the end of Football games.

63. Believe in reincarnation? Can't say I do.

64. Brush your teeth twice a day? Sometimes.

65. Like to talk on the phone? Not even a little.

66. Like to eat? Who doesn't?

67. Like to exercise? Very much so.

68. Like to watch sports? Too much.

69. Sing in the car? I rarely play music on the radio.

70. What is a dream that you have all the time? No recurring dreams.

71. Dream in color? Yes.

72. Do you have nightmares? Real bad nightmares, not so much.

73. Sleep with a stuffed animal? No.

74. What is right next to you? A night stand with a glass of water.

75. On your favorite coffee cup? No favorites here.

76. On your mouse pad? iPads don't have mouse pads.

77. Your favorite flavor of gum? Green Mint.

78. Favorite deodorant? I've been rocking Hawksridge by Old Spice.

79. Your dream honeymoon? 
Dream?  I don't dream about honeymoons.

80. Your dream husband/wife? Smart, funny, quirky and adventurous...all musts.  Open minded and curious works real well too.  A wine drinker, check!  Curvy and athletic!!  Green eyes, how could anyone resist green eyes?

81. Hiding in your closet? Crazy ex girlfriends.  Enter at your own risk.

82. Under your bed? Dust.

83. The name of one of your closest/best friends? Joe.

84. Your bad time of the day? When I need to get up in the morning...and it's still dark outside...I don't like that.

85. Your worst fear(s)? Being stuck, unhappily somewhere.

86. What’s the weather like? Spring-like.

87. Your favorite time of year? Spring.

88. Your favorite holiday? I don't get excited over holidays.

89. A material weakness? I am about as non-materialistic as anyone could get in this capitalistic society.

90. The weirdest food or drink that you liked? If it's edible, it's not weird.

91. At the top of your “to-do list”? Major life change.

92. The hardest thing about growing up: realizing that that we live in a 'Me Only' world.

93. A pet peeve?  Greed.

94. Your scariest moment? One of my handful of car accidents, choose one.

95. Your attitude about love? Hey, if it's here let's roll.

96. The most outrageous, desperate thing you've done to attract the attention of the opposite sex? I pleaded through my blog to sort out differences with an ex.  She refused.  Well, I'm not the type to sit back and wait a couple of decades...let her wallow in her lonely pity.

97. The worst feeling in the world? Lonely.

98. The best feeling in the world? Authentic Connections.

99. Who sent this to you? I found it.

100. Tag more people? Tag yourselves, you are as you wish.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of Buddist doesn't believe in reincarnation?! ...sheesh ;-)
