Sunday, September 21, 2014

Benefits of Luo Han Guo

The Magic Fruit...or more commonly called Monk Fruit!
Say What?  Let's ask Rakan Trivani...

What Benefits can you expect?

And Some more benefits....

How do you make Monk Fruit Tea?
Bring to a boil 33 to 50 ounces of water.
Once it boils, bring it down to a simmer and then crush the dried monk fruit and let it sit in the simmering water for an hour.
Other items that I have added to the simmering pot just to liven and satisfy my palate (you know how much I prefer complex and complicated flavors):
Green Tea loose herbs, Peppermint Tea loose herbs, Sage loose herbs, Rosebud loose herbs, Chrysanthemum loose herbs, ginger root sliced, Goji berries and Qingfei Huatan Wan.
Thank my recent trip through Asia to my enlightenment of Monk Fruit tea.

My results?
Better digest, improved respiration and clear thinking...for starters.
My sweet tooth is annulled.  My appetite feels absent.
My mood (during an annoyingly stressful weak) seems a bit calm and level with teasing hints of upbeatness (if that's even a word).
Plus...I am becoming super popular in my little wannabe kingdom.
Before too long, I will become Chuck Norris.

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