Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What is the purpose of life?

Is it to procreate and ensure the survival of the next generation?
Sure is!
But, what if our actions today starve the creation of tomorrow?
What if moments like today...moments of immediate gratification...lead to this catastrophe of tomorrow?
A dilution in integrity, a loss of innocence....inexcusable extinction in honor, chivalry and goodness...

Where I am clearly different...
I don't have a lazy bone in my body, nor do I quit on something that I have committed myself too...
I pride myself in feeding A fury, creating care and compassion...bursting and combusting with an untouched parallel...

Life is meant to be lived
Meant to have purpose and cause
I may be a poet, but I am also spiritual and philosophical...
It's in my Greek Blood...which bleeds with passion, igniting an unquenched fury within my soul...

I would rather be in purgatory then life without passion or purpose

I too,
have a severe sting in my heart...
Heavy, piercing...somehow, my words
Not only speak to you
But find the means to resonate within my hollow void...
My faceless furnace of rejection,

I have recently given serious thought to just absolving myself emotionally from people...
Are they even worth it?

Because it just takes one to make all the other bullshit worth it!
Is it fair?
But, life is meant to be lived...as imbalanced as it may be...
It makes us stronger if we survive it the rigors, the challenges...that everyone MUST endure

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