Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why Are Asian Women Prettier/Hotter than Caucasians?

A) it's their secret Ingredient.
B) they are especially good with chopsticks.
C) they have a comforting bond with Godzilla and Ming vases.
D) they can multitask while yelling at you...and Yes, they are serious!
E) they mostly come in petite sizes (perfect for small penises).
F) drama is instinctively ingrained in their emotional explosive nature.
G) their slow and methodical driving technique...great for indecisive directions and traffic jams.
H) they know the difference between A Korean, A Japanese and A Chinese person...on straight sight.
I) their Thick dark hair and smooth skin.
J) they age better than Caucasians.
K) they think that Feminism is a country in Europe.
L) they know that their vote won't matter, therefore they don't!
M) but they know that they really should start at some point.
N) great for volunteering.
O) and haggling.
P) think that everything must either have rice OR noodles.
Q) know the difference between a Honda and a Hyundai.
R) they look great in skirts (even 'the bigger' ones).
S) always assumed that they can tutor calculus and physics.
T) come with cute L-less accents.
U) come with less body hair.
V) they never get offended with the word Wang.
W) the understand and recognize all the various tea varieties.
X) come assembled with computers and directions.
Y) polite and respectful.
Z) clean and family oriented.

I'm sending all the white women I know to China!
Or Japan...
Maybe Korea...
Oh, I don' one of those countries....

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