Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Truth Spoken, Truth Cometh, Truth Deserved

Poor Alexis Lancaster....she received a call from Tucker Blandford's father...Tucker and Alexis had planned for a wedding in Connecticut this past weekend (15 August 2014).
...the call between Tucker's Dad and Alexis went like this:
"Listen Alexis, I have some bad news.  My Son has become depressed, and today we discovered that he committed suicide."
OMG!  Thought Alexis.  Now Alexis becomes distraught and depressed herself...after a short period of initial mourning, she attempts to reconnect with her deceased fiancee's parents (to mourn in the company of comfort).  Alexis reaches Tucker's mother...
Tucker's death was news to his mother...
As a matter of fact, according to his mother, Tucker was doing great...plus, his mother was under the impression that Alexis and Tucker had split...
What?  Come Again?
Oh, by the way...the mother also had NO IDEA about any wedding either.
Well, the good news is that Tucker is OK...right?
And....On Top of all that...the Wedding Hall that Tucker and Alexis agreed upon....well, the hall was Never Booked!
This Tucker has some serious commitment issues...

Tucker, son...we need to talk.  You can not be conducting yourself so feebly.  You can't.  Grow a pair, and call Alexis.  No, no!  You need to sit down with Alexis and have a serious face to face discussion with her about why this marriage won't last (shocker, I am sure).
Why?  Because she's a person, and she needs to reasonably sort out the death of your relationship.
But why burden over that much work?  Because we are all people, and our emotions are not strung with cords of logic...instead our emotions sing tunes spoken softly from the heart and soul.

Matters of the Heart a little more consideration and empathy...Period.

We are not robots.  Even if logic dictates it, we can't just switch on/off buttons and expect immediate positive and predictable results.

Hey Tucker, what if the news of your death brought so much sorrow to Alexis that she...as a knee jerk reaction...decided to do something drastic...something immeasurable and permanent?
You Tucker are selfish!
And not to say that you deserve a fate that trumps your actions...but, you know what...you still need a lesson in humanism spoon fed to you...
Do I hope bad things?  Not necessarily.
If bad things happened too you...you know, you just may have been deserving of them in order to learn your lesson.

Spit in the mouth of fury, burn in the ashes of your abyss...

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