Sunday, December 12, 2010

Scattered yet Methodical

To define happenstance, one would have to identify the father Happen and the Mother circumstance...creating a notion of chance that interacts with unpredictable occurrences affecting ours lives.  My mind is too scientific to not accept randomness, in the form of collisions.  Look at a our moon, that was a result of a collision theorized to have occurred approximately four and a 1/2 BILLION years ago...happenstance
I do live my life with the rule of randomness, hence the reason for my participation of the 1/4 arbitrarily decides fate.  Call my niche, i call it luck...its said your better off being lucky then good.  Many roads have started under this pretense.
Yesterday was a day of three3.  Friday Night i received a an invite from an old fellow comrade Tristan.  The last time i saw Tristan the moon has gone through thirty 3faces0. Yesterday Tristan Found ME.  All by chance...our paths just crossed in the middle of an ocean that i never swim in.  HMMMM...
I had dinner plans with Sandi and Joe, i picked the place (I haven't eaten there in One thousand five hundred and 14 days).  On my way there, i found a mound of cash do$$ars in the middle of a dark road.  Merry Christmas Sandi and Joe, dinner is on me.  (I also bought a fist full of tickets).  Maybe there's more to come?
The third might have been the oddest, as if the first 2 weren't odd enough.  I wrote a lovely email to Kathryn, sent it out...the only problem, she never received it since i addressed it to a false destination.  That was sent out at Si6 PM.  Interesting how chance can dictate any road...
Randomness exists in our world and in our minds, we can choose to accept it and embrace it...but those that fear it will only ignore it

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