Saturday, July 2, 2011

Communicate with those that Frustrate you the Most

     For those of us who believe that introverts are shy and extraverts are outgoing...and there are many...We are Wrong!  Introverts and extraverts differ in how they process information.  Introverts generate their energy from within, where as the extravert gains their momentum from group settings.  Shyness can exist in either of the two types, as can outgoing personalities.  Truth be told, each one of us hold components of both.
     Introverts have a preference to spend their time alone or within very small groups (I should know, I am an introvert)...and we tend to gather our thoughts carefully before we speak (we do have a method to our madness...a very quiet one, it could and does seem to get lost in translation!).  Extroverts mistake us for awkward types....they act as if we withhold information (as if we are intentionally attempting to thwart our own plans?)...we very often get mistaken for being cold and distant, unable to convey any emotional connection in order to bridge some sort of understanding.  Ask us what you want to know, we do share answers!
     Extraverts appear to LOVE to Talk, talk, talk and talk some more...they think out loud, gibbering away almost as if they are processing their thoughts/information right before our eyes.  These people talk way too fast, way too much...and almost always seem to be way tooooo LLLOOOOUUUDDDD!!!!!   Just, please, STOP!~ for a moments, Please STOP.  Wait.  Hold your thought for just one second.
     Interesting fact about brain imaging between introverts and extraverts.  An introverts brain observed during imaging clearly shows more activity in response to external stimuli...think of a very loud fire alarm drill when an introvert is processing information from their environment (understandingly why they may seek to limit the amount of incoming information).  Where as the extraverts brain imaging during stimulation exhibits more activity in areas centered around pleasure-seeking zones....meaning they receive pleasure/reward in social interaction settings, hence why they are 'driven' to be in groups and involved in active situations.
....what comes next?
The introvert needs to learn to speak up, while an extravert needs to slow down (when the two types are attempting to communicate with each other).  Remember its better to be understanding, then to be understood!

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