Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What Are Hannah Montana's Two Favorite Things?

Why in God's name (thank god I am an Atheist!) is the American Public fascinated with this woman's  emotional and spiritual demise?  Stardom is her fetish (amongst other things), she's obviously lost in her sense of direction and growth...why does the public eat off of her dish of garbage...and continually satisfy her hunger for attention?

Miley my love, please get your shit together...and do yourself a favor, and keep your fetishes to your self.

So....this is the ridiculous story I saw this morning...
But why did I even read it?

We already know that Miley Cyrus loves weed and she considers herself a mentor to Justin Bieber, so why wouldn't she wear a shirt combining two of her favorite things?

Cyrus just told Matt Lauer that she doesn't "ever really plan to offend people," but it's pretty clear she wants to ensure people are always talking.

On Monday, the singer tweeted a photo of herself wearing a shirt with Bieber's face surrounded by marijuana leaves and a spliff hanging out of the Canadian pop star's mouth, with the words "Reefer Fever" -- a play on "Bieber Fever" -- screened on it.

Bieber is thought to enjoy weed just as much as Cyrus does but he's not at the point in his career that he can be as free about it. In fact, when the 19-year-old hosted "Saturday Night Live" in February, Bieber both confirmed that he'd been caught smoking weed and apologized for it, ironically enough during a sketch for "The Miley Cyrus Show."

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