Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Love is a delicate flower

Tender and care for it...feed it...and it will Blossom
Before you share, you must learn to start yourself, even with all your faults.  Embrace who you are, harness those emotions and then re-emit that energy, sending that love back effect, its love that you, yourself have created from within.  Once you are ready to share that goodness, you must then identify what fits well for you.
Realistically identify what your values, needs and preferred lifestyle are...this will help you attract a suitable counterpart, someone whom compliments these "parameters".  But be prepared to offer yourself as that complimentary piece in this puzzle.  You, vice-versa, should be the right person for your partner.  Making this a connection that t2o conscious individuals are committing themselves to the work (and all individual necessary changes) in order to achieve the solid foundation for a desirable relationship.  Remember to seek realistic ideals and partners!!!  The best relationships are the ones predicated upon a workable system balanced through connection, communication and compromises!  The thr3e CCC's
Success will come from you, blaming your counter part will never solve or undo relationship obstacles and/or challenges...success is internal, frustrations and lack of solutions rarely (if ever) exists as external tangible barriers...focus on fulfilling your end and watch growth blossom
The common thread of this success is the ability to communicate...misscommunication breeds Misunderstanding, Tension and unhappiness...which leads to failure.
Good Communicators not only possess the ability to openly express one's self, but also to actively listen without judging.
As an aside, I cannot reiterate how irritating i find judgmental individuals...false assessments (a word that resembles assumptions) often lead to erroneous decisions.
Spend time together and see how well you think and communicate a solution at hand?
One final thought
Power Corrupts
Absolute power corrupts absolutely

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