Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ah, Women

the ultimate RoLlErCoAsTeR ride...
with them, the highs are never GREATER
soaring up into the Heavens
but when the lows hit...
they seem to come so frequent!

Good Conscience,
Evidence of Truth
come only from senses

therefore, aren't all things subjected to interpretation...whichever interpretation prevails at a given more a result and function of POWER rather then the TRUTH!!!
All truth is simple...Isn't that my guilty little lie! But it is my conviction that will serve as my ultimate weapon against lies...
I Stared into the Abyss so long, that I found it staring back at me

P.s. when Anyone declares someone as an idiot, a bad individual of some sort,
don't they seem to get annoyed
When they find out that
Those accused turn out to be something other then what they thought and stated?

If I have Wit with Wisdom, then let those be on my epitaph of my emotions

1 comment:

  1. ‎"I do not want to talk about what you understand about this world. I want to know what you will do about it. I do not want to know what you hope. I want to know what you will work for. I do not want your sympathy for the needs of humanity. I want your muscle." ~Robert Fulghum
