Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Guess what...

There was once a little un, sprout some fruit and grew a ton...with eyes of delight and A mind so bright...she shined her light and lit my path...I walked it true and through only to find...all roadside trolls throwing fodder with no kindle...I stopped, and looked...flipped a rock or too...beneath the rubble, I found no trouble...just a little un, shivering with confusion...I brushed her off, set her straight...she rooted five phathoms, and grew to the heavens...emitting....radiating...transcending
Into a force seen and felt, by all reaches
Heard with domination, understood without interruption
Within this domain, as well as the next...
and here I am
A lone standing philosopher
I question the who what where why and how
Or should be more of The How Come?
But much like my surf, I catch my wave at its crest...
By sheer desire
And before I crash the shore,,,I stop short...
Turn back out...for I know another wave will come
The horizon will shield one a rock rises from afar
Glows pale yellow, almost white...Sometimes seen red with a tinge of orange
Amorphic clouds will come...blackening the light...
Yet I still read the words, hear the whisper of the fruit barer...
...basic common sense
Wry witty and funny
A smirk chuckle or laugh
Dawn comes, new era
My phantom shadow silently striding ever so quietly, right beside me
Holding my secrets, speaking my way with my pace
I look to the sky...and there I still find
The little un....folded
To a dimension of
Joie de Vivre

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