Friday, May 4, 2012

How to Score

The mating ritual between Man and Woman, Man and Man or Woman and Woman...all have the same underlying fundamentals. Let me call them rules on Human Etiquette. I found this wonderfully written article by a Woman who is completely on Fire! Ouch! So, these are her principles on how to be successful in this mating dance...

She starts with a simple question...
Are you interested in physically connecting with someone?
Because, she too is very much into it!

She insists on two respects.  "I want to do these things with hot women (and occasionally I do).  I want you to do these things with hot women too.  So guys, since I have the distinct advantage of both doing hot women and being one myself, you may want to carefully consider these modest suggestions. First and foremost, be hot yourself!  It is not only possible, it is easier than you might think. 

Attributes of Hotness

Now I am not going to lie to you.  It helps to be born with the rugged good looks of a Daniel Craig. But if you are not blessed with GQ looks, you have a lot of company!  Many of them are getting laid!  You can not go to the mall without seeing some homely guy with a hot chick!  So I must insist that runway looks are not absolutely necessary and certainly not the whole game.

So what do you do?  First, use what you got!!  If you have two hairs, comb them!  If you have one tooth, brush it!  Shine your shoes, iron your shirt, take a bath, and please trim your nose hair!  I can not tell you how many guys could look good if they took better care of themselves, and if you do not, it is a damn sure bet we don't want to!

If you need fashion advice, I have good news.  It is everywhere and it is free.  A well-dressed woman behind the cosmetics counter at Macy's can probably teach you volumes about how to dress.  Ask her.  If you see a well-dressed black guy, ask him!  Gay black guy?  Even better!   

Smart is hot.  Learn something!  I am not talking about glomming on to some psuedo-intellectual (typically liberal) college professor and spouting the same (typically liberal) pablum you hear from them day and night!  I'm talking about taking the time to know how to do something, produce something, service a real need.  Learn how to think, not what to think.  The easy-going confidence of a guy who knows what he is doing is highly compelling.  A competent, confident plumber is far more attractive than some whinny 20-something brat bitching about the unfairness of life. 

And did you notice that I put the word competent in front of confident?  Did it for a reason.  Competence breeds confidence, not vice versa.  Put in the time and effort to get good at something and you will become confident.  Wait for Mommy or society to "boost your self-esteem" and you are wasting your time!  

Polite and refined are hot.  Anyone can be polite and display good manners!  Good manners are simply a habit that you develop by --- trying!  If you have a habit of bad manners, it is from --- not trying.  So just change it.  Be sweet.  Flies to honey baby, and in this case the "flies" are the smoking hot chicks you long for!    

Physically fit is hot.  You do not have to be a body-builder, but if you are seriously overweight, lose the weight.  Do not talk about it, just lose it.  Pick a plan, there are thousands.  Don't want to plan, okay, cut out sugar and junk food and get a little exercise.  In the immortal words of Nike Shoes, "Just do it!"

Being really serious all the time is sooooo hot --- for college Freshmen girls for about a month!  The rest of our lives we want to laugh and have fun.  So develop a good sense of humor!  The possibility of parting us from our panties increases in direct proportion to the quantity and quality of times you make us laugh.

Good conversation is hot.  Don't know what to say?  Good!  Just listen.  Ask questions.  Draw us out.  An excellent resource for becoming a brilliant conversationalist is Dale Carnegie's, How to Win Friends and Influence People. 

Hot for a Specific Woman?

Do all of the above, and then, plan your approach the way an angler plans to fish.  Suppose prime rib is your favorite food.  Do you put prime rib on the hook when you go fishing?  Of course not.  Fish enjoy minnows or shrimp or the promise of a tasty bug!  It is likewise with us.  You will stand a much better chance of catching the girl if you bait your hook with something she likes as opposed to something you like.  Hence, study her!  Find out what she wants.  Then tempt her with it over and over until she bites!  Take a girl who loves to sail for instance.  Arrange to take her out on a sail boat and keep inviting her.  Sooner or later she will want to go and accept your invitation.  Once you get her on the boat, remember all the stuff I have already told you!   Give her what she wants and she just might decide to give you what you want!

Using EP/Internet to Chase Babes?   

Profile pics:  How many guys use a pic of something other than themselves?  Lots do, to their detriment!  Best to be yourself.  Put an original photograph in your profile, not an EP pic, and NOT a random hot babe.  Post a good photograph.  Nicely dressed is better than sloppy.  Semi-nude is better than fully nude.  If you post nude, make sure it is not some cell-phone mirror-shot or something snapped off with a cheap digital.  Your profile pic is your first impression and lots of guys lose us instantly with an off-putting profile pic. 

Guys, do NOT post the perennial “cock shot”.  We get it.  You think your cock is great.  We think it's great too, AFTER we get to know and feel comfortable with its owner. Do not use a silly cartoon pic.  Do not use a hostile pic.  Women are not attracted to silly or hostile guys.    

Your Description:  Be positive about your life!  Write something substantive about yourself.  Not talking about “love to please" or “well endowed”...    Write something that reveals who you are.  Do not post doom-and-gloom for your status. Check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage before you post.  A woman who flunked high-school composition may not care.  But one who passed it does.  Don't disqualify yourself by error-ridden writing that makes you look less intelligent than you are.

Some Do-nots

Do not have 1,000+ friends or be a member of 1,000+ groups.  Hot women do not want to be part of a collection.  Too many groups tells us you have no idea who you are or what you want. 

Do not merely post "would love an add" on a hot woman's white board.  It looks desperate. 

Do not click a person into your circle, then ignore their messages.     

Do not argue.  But if you do, be civil.  And PLEASE, back up what you say with your OWN REASONING.  Nothing is a bigger turn-off than a guy who argues by posting links to articles.  It says he is mentally lazy, a wannabe, or part of the Borg collective.  I feel like writing back and telling a guy like that to go away, but ask the author of the articles to give me a call.  Along this same line, nothing is more pathetic than a guy who argues, but will not answer simple questions in a reasoned dialogue.  There are those who think ignoring questions you cannot answer is a clever tactic.  It is not.  It SCREAMS stupid.  Literally sends me rushing for the block-button.  So if you argue, be civil, express YOUR OWN sound reasoning, and be fair enough to answer the questions you are asked.   


Guys, be cool.  Here is what that looks like:  Good manners, lively dialogue, being nice, being fun, being funny, taking an interest in the things we like, reading our stories, particularly the "read me first" story.  It is cool to act - even though we know you are acting - like sex is the last thing on your mind. 

Avoid being un-cool.  Here's what that looks like:  Being rude or demanding, going straight to the topic of sex, being mean, not reading our posts first.  Crude language, for example, calling me a "sexy bitch".  The qualifier "sexy" does not nullify the noun "bitch."  "

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