Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life isLike A CANDied apple...

Crunchy on the outside
Sweet and tender on the inside (maybe even on the outside)
--Michael Fox 

      True or not, i can find a serendipitous blessing in life's oncoming calamities.  Part of that could be an interpretation of perception, another component could come from posi+ive adjustments one can make in order to reverse "fate".  Is it truly "fate"...or a road that we create with the opportunities to put ourselves in?  Nonetheless, my journey began some four months ago...
Seems more then a seasonal change, a world ago
Sixteen months ago my grandfather was involved in an unusual motor vehicle accident.  He made a bid to stop his 1984 Buick Regal with the western wall of his home.  Full throttle...Crash and Bammm!  He might have survived the incident with minor abrasions, but in his haste, he attempted a last minute ditch effort from the moving vehicle.  Causing him to get entangled between the wall and his automotive.  To make a long story short, through a series of surgeries and infections, he lost his left leg and his duodenum (part of your belly...never a good thing to loose it).  His compromised breathing led to a tracheal pipe...All in all, he is sick and unresponsive...(The irony to this is that he forecasted a year prior that he would pass on in the month of October.  Well it is October)...
Fast Forward
Four Months Ago
My Grandmother, his wife of sixty years (or there about), is in the midst of losing the closest confident that life brought her...the only thing preventing her from experiencing extreme episodes of depression is the anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications that her physician prescribed for her.  <From my observations, they seem to be working>  I am busy, very busy.  I am a home owner, i have many bills and responsibilities...translation...i work many hours...two jobs worth of hours.  Some weeks involved seventy recorded working hours.
August 13th, it was a Friday...Regardless of what anyone believes...i, in my heart knew that thirteen is a lucky number.  That was the last day i worked at my second job.  Does not make any all as to why (because!) it might be (at that time) an inarguable coincident that i had a loss of work when money for me was at a premium...but that was the first day that i was able to be there for my grandmother.

1 comment:

  1. There is more to life than money.... though we cant survive in this day and age without it to a degree... family is more important than anything... job should always come second to family as i have learned over the years... though i have worked 2-3 jobs since i can remember at one time... the last 2 years i have dwindled to working the second the job to when i feel like it... my kids are grown but need me .... maybe all this has happened so that you may experience your grandmother now more than ever and your grandfather... maybe its a test of your ability to give unconditionally to your family and share the love you possess deep inside you with have the gift to heal... but you smother it with your work.... maybe you can help your grandmother not take the pills to deal with life... life leads to death leads to rebirth...that is the life're a very close knit family < i know how you greeks are!> help her remember the sweet things in life and help your grandfather as well...thoughts are energy... ive always told you that... they get to where they need to go =)
