Friday, December 9, 2011

According to Leo

As in Leo Buscaglia
He swears to me, Up and down
Everybody needs a hug!
This may be true Mr Leo...but do you know why?
Of course Leo says
It's because it will Change your Metabolism...

There you have it folks, I grant you all permission to share some Lovin today...share a hug or one for me though!

Thanx for the advice Leo.....I decree today, December Ninth, as Hug Amnesty Day
Share A Hug...not war!

Sitting in a bar having drinks with my buddy Joe down at Portside...Joe casually points to these two drunks sitting across the bar from us and says
"that's us in ten years"
I respond..."oh yeah buddy, that's the mirror"
and then I gave Joe a Hug!

1 comment:

  1. Booker T. Washington
    "Excellence is to A Common Thing in an Uncommon way"
