Thursday, February 16, 2012

Do a Grouch a Favor Part II

I had an incident involving a deer, no more then I would say three months ago (or so). I was driving to work in the early hours of any day...sunrise was still two hours away. The abandoned darken roads allow me a monopoly of driving Privledges (that I would not Otherwise exercise during busier times of the day). Any how as I was swiftly cruising (never rushing!) down one of these quiet roads, I spotted a white object hidden within the shadowy domain only darkness greets with. As I quickly bared down in its direction, I identified the object as a large deer. I had his attention now. He spun around and furiously charged...heading from a perpendicular angle directly for my car! Luckily having been born with abnormally quick reflexes, and coupled with my cool and calm demeanor...My foot presses aggressively against the gas pedal as I cut my wheel to my right away from the direction the deer was approaching from. My vehicle authoritatively veers onto the shoulder lane, I feel my passenger side wheels capture the murky earth that lined the periphery of the road. I hear a sharp thud just outside my door...
Did I hit the deer that I just tried to avoid a showdown with?
If I did, I would feel guilty in hurting an animal...even if the animal provoked this inadvertent confrontation.
Three minutes later, while parked at work...I inspect my car only to find that my driver side mirror was dinged up...Success, I avoided hitting the deer!
That day, I fixed my mirror the best I could...and every time I sit in my car and capture a glancé at that mirror it reminds of how I almost had myself a fairly unimaginable start to an early morning...
How I dislike Grouchy Animals!

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