Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Don't Try THIS at Home!

Unless, of course you know what you are doing...
I find so few that do...and even then I suspect fault.
If I excluded myself from fault, that would only validate my hypocrisy...
There are plenty of moments where logic ceases to flow from my mind and tongue and I find myself in predictaments that I more or less desire to deny admitting too...

But, if I must share...and you're feeling Bold...
Impervious to failure...
*True failure is only to succumb to a challenge!!!*

Sit, relaxed

Raise one arm, perpendicular to your shoulder (in the Frontal Plane) and trace in the air a circle in a clockwise fashion. Please. Lift the leg from the same side your arm is circling...and start tracing a circle in counter clockwise fashion with your lifted leg (toe pointed please).

Some things can be So Complicated...
Just like You and I...and everyone else...hence why we are all so special...
This is why we need to treat each other better.

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