Thursday, November 11, 2010

Approach Bait, bite bait, get hooked...get reeled and then cook yourself right up

    Lets talk almost makes this sound as if its a black or white matter...and i always have had a difficult time rationalizing those sort of matters, because i know that the world we live in is mostly (if not all) grey.  Here go the four4 general traits that i  would like to bring to your attention.  First up is personality type...lets make two categories:
Extrovert: a gregarious and unreserved individual; an exhibitionist
Introvert:  to turn inward or onto oneself; a reserved individual
Just about everyone fits in one or the other...a loud mouth or the quiet one.
Now with both personality types you have a secondary driving force that fuels their of the confident or a non-confident varietal.
Confidence: a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances; faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way; the quality or state of being certain : certitude
Non-confidence:  Uncertain; not adequately guarded or sustained; deficient in assurance : beset by fear and anxiety
It has been documented that approximately ninety95five %percent% of all individuals fall within the category of non-confident.  I found that interesting when i read that as well.  By default only five % of individuals that you see are of the confident where am i going with this?
Observing a social setting, one would find confident extroverts, non-confident extroverts, confident introverts, and finally non-confident introverts.  Although the last category is almost an oxymoron considering that those type of  individuals would rarely allow themselves to be seen in a public social settings.  Anyhow.  This places three types of individuals within a social what happens next?  People play, mix and mingle...interact.  Who will be the most successful?  The confident extrovert...because...they approach everyone, this maximizes their chances of accruing positive social interactive situations.  The least successful will be the absentee type:  non-confident introvert...their personality type is fed by negativity and pessimism, hence making themselves socially invisible.
What makes the confident extrovert most successful?  Willingness to approach everybody.  Plus confident people, due to their success (in socializing) they spend Less Time THINKING about THEMSELVES and more about whom they are engaged in...that is a primary element to succeeding.  Stop worrying about how you are perceived and start paying attention to someone that you would want to socialize with.  When you are focused on others, you become more aware about their nonverbal cues...which will help progress (for better or worse), your social interaction.

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