Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The BIG Secret

Not the sexiest of stories...scores much higher with an eye bordering on the obnoxious. With temperatures creeping towards freezing, I heard a thump and felt a drag on the front driver side wheel. The vehicle, an unglamourous PT Cruiser...about as sexy as Phyllis Diller showcasing her stuff in a Caberet Show...Yum and Delicious with a violent stomache virus...
Since my car is on Sabatical (until today of course), I examine the flat wheel...Great, another flat tire...one of many to grace my presence...
I thrust the Key into its portal in the hatchback-like trunk region...the door is jammed. Not in the mood for any complications, I rev my shoulder and arm muscles...and without hesitation I roar this trunk door straight Up
OUCH, the car tells me
The Door is open, but won't remain Open...Great, the car's undesireable offensive continues...
The Trunk area is saturated with "Stuff".
Old Drinks, pillows, blankets, clothes...even an unassembled beach chair...but, at least I found a LARGE plastic bag to place all these ungodly items into.
Its Getting so cold out, and I am in shorts and a thin Sweatshirt...
Inspecting the trunk area, I see absolutely no visible compartment where a spare tire might be hibernating...
Whats the word of the day?
Repulsive, Revolting...just plain ole Obnoxious!
Wait, I find a side wall compartment...in there lies a dissassembled Three Spin Jack...Step One Done, first tool found. I try to rip off the Trunk floor, I better not ruin someone elses car...so I stop trying to be the brute that I am capable of.
Tucked away, close to the trunk lock, I find a small three by two plastic lid...its concealing a nut...its locking something in place. I use half the Jack, and Jimmy the Nut...out drops a tire from undrneath the car...
Step Two, done...spare found!
I Jack the car up, remove the Lug Nuts from the wheel...Problem Number Three...
If there is a God, then God wants Chevy to be nightmarishly Vile with their unnecessary fancy designs. The Wheel is locked onto the car via some sort of Bobby Pin snaked through its center...its contorted shape ensures that it will remain Jammed in their...in essence,locking it. With Poor light,I start to hammer, bend and twist this mini steel Bobby Pin.
By this point my hands are black with grease, slight flavored with red, as blood gentlely tricks down my fingers...do to the friction of the job coupled with the cold, my flesh exposes RED...
Whats the word of the day again?
With a little light help from two good Samaritans...one man with a flashlight and another with a tool box, I finally pry out this much needed "lock"...
Thank you very much...
Forty Five minutes later, I am pouring gas into the PT Cruiser...looking forward, to just getting out of my predicament...and straight to where I belong.
The Deed is done, and all I have Is just one more day...if I can stand it.
I arrive home, do my routine...off to sleep I go...
The PT Cruiser and its BIG SECRET WHEEL!
My advice to you, Do NOT Purchase a PT Cruiser!

Driving to Work this morning I observed something that really bothered me. At about five to five, a.m., this morning I witnessed two boys on the side of Nichols Road. For anyone who does not know Nichols Road, its a county road that has claimed many lives since its inception...its a dangerous road. The younger boy looked no older then Nine, the older may have been as young as Twelve. Do you think that their parents know that they were on a dangerous road so early in the morning? I hope their plight is innocent, and that the children do not have real problems that they are running from...five in the morning. I would have stopped to offer help, but I would have only startled them. I guess the best I can do now,is pray that they find their way! Most people that probably observed them early this morning (not that there were many), I bet never even bothered to notice how out of place they were. Too many people walk around in a self contained bubble, selfishly filled with insignificant nonesense...
Be Mindful of what is Around you!

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