Sunday, January 22, 2012

I having a Charming Purple Friend

And she believes in giving people fair chances to prove themselves worth her "time"...but sometimes she can't help but distance herself from some...Some Folks are Best Ignored...
She believes in inherit goodness, therefore she tries not to be judgmental.

The questions here are...
What exactly do you deem as worthy in differentiating between who should and should not be ignored?
Is it possible to misjudge someone and "categorize" them in either or? What should you do if you are victim to a mislabeling? Do you play along and reciprocate? Even if you know there is a wrong at hand?

I get the whole idea of surrounding yourself with the right sort of people. Yet I can also see situations not been exactly ideal with lapses in judgement!
The concern that my friend is having is with those type of individuals that feed off of dramatic situations...
I know a drama queen or two. I try my best to stay out of there attention circle...the worst is when they actually hunt me out. I guess I am their point of amusement for the day...lucky me!
You are right, stay away from those types, they breed negativity and love to watch others high and mighty of them. "Saving" the day, or so they think with their swollen egos and inflated sense of importance. They are a deliriously charming bunch.

Just as an Aside...
HippopotamusGorillas, Rhinoceroses and Elephants (even in Dinosaur Times the Brontosaurus)...How are they so BIG and STRONG being Organic Vegans?
and why do Lobbyist have so much Bullshit Pull?

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