Monday, January 2, 2012


As in Entertainment

Work & Money

The year ahead is all about building and innovation. With the economy in disrepair and Occupy Wall Street marching on, it's clear that we need some better strategies. Expansive Jupiter spends the first half of 2012 in Taurus, the sign of work, money and financial planning. Remember when the dot-com bubble burst back in 1999-2000? That's the last time Jupiter was in Taurus. Having risk-taker Jupiter in risk-averse Taurus is an odd paradox that requires balance. We'll need to be "cautiously optimistic" and take "calculated risks" between January and June. Look before you leap and keep a budget. Consider multiple streams of income or freelance work for an extra boost.

On June 11, Jupiter moves into Gemini, the sign of communication, for a year. Media, electronics, apps and all things digital will become even more prominent. This could be the year that a true "all-in-one" device or solution hits the market -- beyond what's already out there. Because Jupiter rules all things cross-cultural and international, outsourcing overseas can cut costs for companies. Learning a foreign language can pump up your job prospects. That doesn't just mean Spanish or Swahili. Computer languages like PHP, CSS and HTML could be useful additions to your lexicon.

Another reason to get tech-savvy? Innovative Uranus, ruler of electronics, is in Aries, the sign of new ideas, from 2011-2018. (Uranus was last here in the 1930s, when the radio was invented.) Aries is the sign of the solo ventures and self-promotion. Market yourself with a website, online video and social media. Brush up your skills with distance learning and online courses. Aries is ruled by Mars, the red planet, which scientists believe could someday sustain human life. In 2012, we may see more discoveries like this.

The way we spend, save, build and use resources is also going through a long, gradual overhaul. Pluto, the planet of radical transformation, is in Capricorn from 2008-2024. Capricorn rules governments, banks, institutions, the economy and large hierarchies. Pluto entered Capricorn in November 2008. During this cycle, parts of the world economy have collapsed. Corrupt governments have fallen, and we've seen the capture and execution of Osama bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi. Pluto's mandate: rebuild on a more conscious, sustainable foundation. In 2012, we can no longer prioritize profit at the expense of the planet and humanity.

Love & Relationships

Forget what the fairy tales told you. The knight on the white horse isn't coming, and that damsel isn't REALLY in distress. Love has taken a more serious (and less romantic) turn in the past three years, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Since October 2009, tough teacher Saturn has been visiting Libra, the sign of marriage and committed relationships. Saturn forces us to slow down and evaluate our choices, and to learn what a long-term commitment really requires.

While it may not have been the most exciting or romantic time, our cultural notions of love are becoming more realistic. Case in point: the spectacular crash of Kim Kardashian's 72-day "fairy-tale wedding" (as the E! special was titled). Stern Saturn gave Kim -- and the rest of the world -- a wakeup call about rushing into marriage. Relationships take hard work (a Saturn specialty), but the long-term payoff is a union that's built to last. Libra is the planet of justice, and during this Saturn cycle, same-sex marriage was legalized in many states. We can expect to see more marriage equality activism happening while Saturn visits Libra through Oct. 5, 2012.

Health & Wellness

Holistic healing, Eastern medicine and energy work have gained a following, but they're still far from mainstream. That could change in 2012. On Feb. 3, healing Neptune begins a 14-year visit to its home sign of Pisces, which rules all things spiritual and "new age." Doctors may begin shifting toward complementary or integrative medicine, acknowledging the benefits of treatments like Reiki or acupuncture.

While lucky Jupiter visits practical Taurus until June 11, we should strive toward healthy habits and consistent routines, like eating, sleeping and rising at the same time each day. Taurus is an earth sign, so this would be a great year to eat locally, plant a community garden or join a food cooperative. In June, Jupiter moves into Gemini, ruler of transportation. Urban areas will build more bike lanes and walkways, encouraging us to stay active and fit. This is the perfect year for bicycles, skateboards, scooters, roller skates... anything on wheels that doesn't require a gas tank.

When structured Saturn enters Scorpio from Oct. 5, 2012-2015, issues of life, death and mind-body connection will become prominent. Scorpio rules immortality, and we'll see new findings on longevity. As our population lives longer, we may also need to deal with economic or resource shortages, and to create new structures that make "old age" a better experience. The age of retirement will continue to rise. Scorpio rules both birth and death. Sexual and reproductive health may become major issues during this time, and we may see hospitals closing or restructuring. With energizing Mars in Virgo, the health sign, until July 3, we could see new strides in medicine, science and the impact of diet on our lifespan.

The last time Saturn was in Scorpio was in the early 1980s, during the AIDS crisis. Saturn is the tough teacher, and Scorpio rules sex, addictions and blood. No surprise this disease was spread mostly through unprotected sex, blood transfusions and infected needles. Hopefully we've learned important lessons from that terrible time, and that this Saturn cycle will bring us the more evolved version of Scorpio energy. Perhaps we'll see a cure for AIDS, cancer and other fatal diseases.


All for one, and one for all. For the last couple years, we've been gradually shifting toward a more cooperative lifestyle. Saturn in Libra, the sign of partnership, is helping us to build new structures and share resources. Saturn is here until Oct. 5, 2012. We may see a rise in communal living situations as families crave more connection on tighter schedules and budgets. This could, for example, mean housing developments with a shared dining hall or restaurant courtyard, multi-family homes with round-robin childcare, flexible office space with on-site daycare, and even premium home schooling offered by unemployed teachers. Pulling together and adding everyone's talents to the mix can solve a lot of shortages, helping us maintain quality of life on a budget.

2012: The End of the World As We Know It?

Much has been written about 2012, especially Hollywood tales of "the end of the world." Relax, everyone -- the earth will still be humming along by next New Year's Eve. The 2012 legend is really about a bigger energetic shift, which has been taking place in the past few years. Thanks to the Internet and social media, people have access to new ideas at lightning speed -- and geography is no longer the barrier to connecting that it once was. Although stats show that less than 30 percent of the world has Internet access, technology is still helping us exchange ideas about community, spirituality, art, politics and making the world a better place for all.

Tali and Ophira Edut

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